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Class/Level: Lackey-4
Species: human
Alignment: Lawful Good

STR-13, INT-10, WIS-11, DEX-10, CON-11, CHA-8

AC 7 (leather)
Hp: 13
Move: 30 ( 25 if he carries 18-36 items: current load: 29 items)

Sledge Hammer: C/H/M, 1d8 damage, 2 hands, knockdown
Dagger: P/L/S: 1d4 damage, throw 10/20/30

Skills: Open Locks, Searcher, Remove Traps, First Aid, Detect Poison, Secret Door Expert
Class Abilities: swap item with adjacent friendly, +5 items in encumbrance
Languages: Common
Initiate of Isis (and Osiris) June 2021

Special Feature: each time you fall wounded and unconscious at 0 hit points, and you succeed at your first CON roll to avoid death, make a second CON roll and leap back to your feet with 2 hit points!

Gear: not items: clothes, porter's back pack, boots, belts/straps, continual light hat

Gear: items: coin purse, food bag 5 rations, wine skin 2 pints, leather armor, sledge hammer, dagger, 2 vials of acid, lock picks, tinderbox, bundle of 6 torches, 50' rope, 2 flasks military oil, 6 liver squeezings in 3 quart skins, 3 tanglefoot bags, 2 devil grease, 3 holy water, grappling hook, second 50' rope.

Herbal bag (4x healing salve, 2 white lotus, 5 comfrey, 2 birthwort)

XP: 7857
Gold: 621

chuggins.1626088595.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/07/12 11:16 by dave