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Half-Elf Cleric-5, Lawful (initiate of Nerthuz)
STR-10, INT-12, WIS-15, DEX-12, CON-13, CHA-15
Bonus: +1 to hit/damage melee, +1 save
Skills/Abilities: shield sacrifice, treat critical injury, first aid
Languages: Common, elf
Attack: +3 Save 9
Size M, Base Move 30’, Vision: Normal

AC 16; Move ___25
Hp 8
Mace: +3, M, 1d6+1, AP

XP: 2600
Gear: chain mail, shield, mace, backpack and clothes, silver holy symbol

Spells: lvl-1: 3; lvl-2: 2; plus 1 lawful, plus 1 healing

lily.1657485327.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/07/10 20:35 by andrew