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Half-ogre F/MU (L6).

Meet Moonshadow

Moonshadow is the result of an ogre clan's raiding of a remote Elven conclave. His elven mother named him such as he was born under the full moon, but she still felt a shadow on his soul, as they were to be ostracized upon his birth, rather than celebrated. However, his mother actually died from the strain of childbirth, her last words to her sister being 'Don't let them kill him.' Threatened with his death, his aunt fled with him to a larger, more open city (Algart), where he became her 'adopted son.' This eased tensions somewhat, although he was still subjected to some rather cruel childhood jokes. He gets his rather high intelligence and dexterity (for an ogre offspring) from his mother's side. His adopted 'mother' recognized his potential early and she worked to get him into a magical apprenticeship.

Moonshadow has now graduated from this apprenticeship and is raring to see the greater world. His ties with the Mystic Union come from his apprenticeship and he will try to honor them as best he can. His fighter abilities come from time spent in the militia prior to getting his apprenticeship.

His heritage and upbringing have left him with a very nasty disposition toward full ogres and he must make an INT check or instantly attack or provoke an attack from any chaotic ogre he meets, at their initial meeting. Proven Lawful or Neutral ogres are exempt from his rage. He feels for other half-ogres and is loathe to have to destroy any of them, unless they prove to be a chaotic villain, as was his 'father.'

Recently, Moonshadow hired Thomas of the Two Destinies to aide him. Thomas has proven to be a reliable ally, healing many in the party when needed and occasionally striking a blow for Mithras himself.

Following the group's clearing out the tentacloid infestation and restoring the head of house Zebidee (Lord Archon Zebidee), Moonshadow finds himself named as liaison to the crown for both House Zebidee and the Mystic Union. His newly acquired Bastard Sword of the Earth helped the group clear the area.

moonshadow.1717440524.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/06/03 18:48 by craig