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harrisburg [2020/01/29 18:47] – created andrewharrisburg [2020/08/03 01:55] (current) – removed andrew
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-====== Harris' Burg ====== 
-The notorious bandit Harris and his gang has maligned North West Jorvikshire for almost thirty years. Their operation started small, but has grown into a small hidden village of outlaws and cutthroats nicknamed "Harris' Burg" after its infamous founder. It is from this tiny seed of civilization that these unsavory types prey on those unable to defend themselves. 
-Over the past twenty-five years there have been exactly three organized attempts to break Harris' gang by the Earl of Jorvikburg. 
-The first was the biggest operation and the most successful. The Earl raised an army of over three hundred men and marched North and West into the wilderness to put an end to the constant banditry of the Harris gang. The army found the bandit encampment along the steep banks of a creek. Outnumbering the villains almost five to one they charged the bandits’ crude defensive works hoping to break their morale with minimal casualties and hang their leaders. 
-Nearly immediately after the battle was joined, the attack was scattered and broken when the Earl’s army was flanked unexpectedly by a huge force of eerily quiet irregulars. Those that fled and survived say that it was the restless dead fighting on behalf of Harris that day. 
-Ten years later, a smaller army than the first didn't even find the bandits’ camp in the wilderness. Instead, the army’s commanders reported that a titanic column of swirling smoke and fire appeared out of nowhere and tore through the ranks. The bodies of many soldiers were torn apart and splattered across the countryside. Meanwhile, other warriors driven mad by the power of evil turned on their brothers in maniacal bloodlust. The attack ended just as abruptly as it began, but it left the army shaken. The force turned away from their goal and stumbled back toward civilization.  
-A third and final operation of nearly eighty men simply vanished into the wilderness North West of Jorvikburg.  
-That was eight years ago, and there has been absolutely no discussion of breaking the Harris gang since then. 
harrisburg.1580323645.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/29 18:47 by andrew