Table of Contents


You're sly, cunning, and precise. Stealth is your specialty, and you can bypass obstacles, patrols, and locks better than anyone. You know skills to lead men, make deals, plan a heist, or land a killing blow. You are an adventurer not because you are tough or devout or gifted but simply because you have the guts to adventure out into the unknown with only your wits.

Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features
1+2Starting HP, specialist equipment; Basic proficiencies from chosen archetype
2+2Hide as a Quick action instead of an active action; Gain one skill
3+2Gain one feature from your chosen archetype
4+2Add +1 to an ability score of your choice; Draw 3 cards from the special features deck, choose 1 to apply
5+3Gain one different feature from your chosen archetype
6+3Add +1 to an ability score of your choice; Gain one skill
7+3Gain one different feature from your chosen archetype
8+3Add +1 to an ability score of your choice; Draw 3 cards from the special features deck, choose 1 to apply
9+4Gain one different feature from your chosen archetype; Proficiency bonus is doubled for your class and archetype skill checks

Specialist Basics

Specialist Archetypes


Assassins trained to kill by ambush and treachery. They may be brawling thugs, violent thieves, murderers-for-hire, or simply rogues with a taste for chaos and violence. While not as tough as warriors in a straight up fight, assassins get ways to fight dirty and hit their opponent where it hurts.

You gain the Athletics and Disguise skills.

Assassin Archetype Features (choose at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level)


Bards are specialists who can sing, recite poetry, or play a group of instruments in a skilled manner. The greatest adventurers are known throughout history because of the epic poems and songs of their achievements. The most successful bards are those that recount these stories, and provide a witness to record the great doings of new generations of heroes. Many bards are adventuring champions in their own right, carrying a sword as well as a song. The legendary bards of the Celtic lands are said to have magical power in their songs to heal the wounded while the Skalds of the North are able to inspire courage in their comrades.

You gain the Perform and Persuasion skills and your choice of three areas of Lore. You know a number of modern languages equal to your Intelligence bonus.

Bard Archetype Features (choose at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level)


Typically seen as shady and untrustworthy, thieves are often valuable in a dungeon environment as scouts and trap finders because of their unique skills honed from their careers as burglars.

You gain the Acrobatics, Appraisal, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, and Investigation skills.

Thief Archetype Features (choose at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level)


A venturer travels the world in caravans or on ships seeking trading opportunities wherever they can be found. A venturer is a clever dealer with folk of all countries and a hardy cross-country traveler. They are merchants, messengers, and diplomats at home wherever they may find themselves.

You gain the Appraisal, Gambling, Medicine, Insight, Riding, Survival, Occupation (teamster) and Occupation (sailor) skills.

Venturer Archetype Features (choose at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level)