When a demonic spirit possess a wild boar piglet, and it is raised on a diet of human flesh, it can grow into a horrific monster hog 7 feet tall at the shoulder and pure mean.
HELL HOG (10 HD Brute)
- AC: 17 HD 10 HP 41
- Resistance: 22
- Mods: W+3/N+7/S+12
- Speed: 50':
- Morale: +12
- Stealth +3, Perception +3
- Attack, Melee; +7; Damage: 3d8+2—slashing or piercing, whichever better (thrashing tusks);
- Slash them when their down: if target is prone, the Hell Hog can make 2 tusk attacks against it
- Resistant: half damage from non-magic, non-blessed, non-silver weapons
- Crashing Charge: instead of attacking, the Hell Hog can attempt to overrun up to 5 targets as it moves (even a double move). He moves through each target’s space, must make an attack roll (+7), if it hits, the target takes 1d6 hp of damage and is knocked prone.
- Nose of a Pig: the Hell Hog has a +12 on attempts to track enemies by scent.
- S+12, D+3, C+12, I+3,W+7,Ch+7
hell_hog.txt · Last modified: 2020/01/23 20:55 by dave