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Hill Camp Hundred is a defunct Lordship north of Jorvikshire. The Hundred is roughly marked out with Shepherd's Hollow, Worm's Ferry, Frogtown and Lesserton as the four corners of the territory. Currently, Angus McNasty holds the Reeveship of the Hundred in the name of the Earl and there is a big building boom in the village.

Secured Population: 170 Available Militia: 20 Housecarls: 7

Total in Region: Population: 544 Hides under cultivation: 76

Places of Note

  • Worm's Ferry–pop 170, Hides 23
  • Shepherd's Hollow - 7.5 miles to the west-southwest from Angus Manor, populated by thirty-three families: pop 171, Hides 23. There is a tower and 3 soldiers stationed there.
  • Lesserton - 3.5 miles as the crow files to the west from Angus Manor, populated by fourteen families suspiciously lacking male adults. Population: 56, Hides 10.
  • Frogtown - 6 miles south from Angus Manor, populated by about thirty families. Population: 150, Hides: 20.

Reactivating the Lordship

Reeve Angus has a manor house, a parish church and a bell-tower in Worm's Ferry. There are currently 169 people under his authority in Worm's Ferry. If he can bring the secured population up to 500 people, by some combination of bringing the other three villages firmly under his control and bringing in a new band of settlers, then it is likely he can apply to the Earl to be elevated into Lord of the Hundred. He will also have to bring 27 more hides under cultivation to meet his obligations.

hill_camp_hundred.1607883342.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/12/13 18:15 by dave