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Notable Citizens

  • Ethelric the Bald - A discerning scribe, often found at the Kingston Book Auction looking for rare and dangerous books which he buys for an anonymous patron
  • Sir Baldwin of Kingston - A haughty and ambitious knight looking for any way to improve his station either through deeds or marriage
  • Aldo the Roman - Despite appearing to live a modest lifestyle, this Italian expatriate has access to a suspiciously large amount of wealth for someone who does not have any occupation or business at all
  • Aileen the Midwife - Some say this woman of Scottish descent is a witch, particularly when people question what she does with the books she wins making low-ball bids at the Kingston Book Auction
  • The Great Asgrim - When this entrancing Danish Hermetic mage and his entourage shows up at the Kingston Book Auction, he gets there early to buy a specific tome he needs to further his collection and size up who he is bidding against


kingston.1580325044.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/01/29 19:10 by andrew