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The frozen north is the home of great sailors and iron men. Roll an extra die for your CON attribute, and drop the lowest ones until you only have three. Roll on the event table below for a second alternate die for your attribute roll.

Roll Event Attribute
1Member of a grave robber family who raided the outskirts of the Sunless City, avoiding traps and running away from undead monstrosities.DEX
2Press ganged into the Ice Ships and spent early years raiding the cities and towns of the coast. You became strong from the dangerous and hard life at sea.STR
3Endured slavery in Blood Stead. Berserkers killed your family in a raid.CON
4Member of a happy and prosperous family. Wealth only sustained by constant scheming and politicking.CHA
5Born in the shadow of Zaran’s Tower, your family served the mysterious Sorcerer of the Tower.INT
6Your family fled violence in their clan’s lands and settled in the Mountains as ‘Wolfers’.CON
7Enjoyed the freedom of Bulwulf ’s Council of Peers growing up.WIS
8Lived in a remote fishing village, where strange things regularly visited from the depths of the sea.WIS
norwegian.1574448433.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/11/22 18:47 by andrew