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The Poisoner skill can be used (with successful check) to identify potions, poisons, toxins, acids, and alchemical products discovered in the world. If one has an alchemy kit (10gp 1 load, 2 SUP) the check is made at advantage. If one has an Alchemy Workshop (500gp, in a fixed location), one can also make any of the venoms, toxins, or acids listed below. To make a product it takes 1d4 days plus 1 day per 50gp (or fraction thereof) of list price, the required ingredients for the product, and a successful Poisoner check. If you have an Alchemical Laboratory and a trained assistant, the check is made with advantage. The alchemical laboratory can also be used to create new poisons, the details of which must be worked out with the Campaign Judges.

Poisons and Acids

Here are a list of common harmful substances produced by poisoners.


Poisoners may coat their weapons with these poisons to deliver extra damage along with a successful weapon attack. Each dose may only be used for one fight, and takes an Active action to apply.

Type Price/Dose Onset Time Check Modifier Effect on Failed CON check Required Ingredients
Vampire Spider Venom50gp1 attack round+2 Sickened; Can only take a Move, Quick, or Active action each turn until healed The crushed, dried, and concentrated remains of a Vampire Spider Swarm
Snake Venom100gp1 attack round- 1D6 poison damageThe corpse of a poisonous snake
Razorbat Venom100gp1 attack round-Paralysis for 1D6 attack roundsThe corpses of at least a dozen Razorbats
Spined Quail Ichor150gp10 minutes-DeathThe blood of a Spined Quail


Poisoners may also sneak deadly toxins into food or water consumed by the target.

Midevil Poisons

It turns out that ACTUAL medieval poisons are kind of lame. I believe we should we add more FANTASY toxins for poisoners and herbalists.

Type Price/Dose Onset Time Check Modifier Effect on Failed CON check Required Ingredients
Deadly Nightshade -
Foxglove -
Hemlock250gp10 minutes-2D4 Poison Damage; Sickened; Can only take a Move, Quick, or Active action each turn until healed Hemlock Seeds
Monkshood -
Toadstools10gp or herbalism check10 minutes-1 point per hour until 0 reached toadstools


Poisoners may harvest acids that are made to burn through organic, metalic, or mineral materials. These substances each have specific uses whether it is to help clear Atlantean locks and traps or to burn wounds to slow an opponent down like a venom.

Maybe Acids belong to Alchemy, all of these were discovered by real Alchemists

Ah hah, the answer is simple, Acids belong in both places, it can be 2 things

I could go either way. I like acids with the Poisoner because they are applications that are thematically appropriate for Specialists such as backstabbing and giving a reroll to open an ancient lock or something. If you think this belongs with Alchemy I won't argue though.

Oil of Vitriol (sulfuric acid)25gp 0.2 5BrimstoneA powerful agent to burn away organic material, splashing this caustic fluid inflicts 2d4 damage to target and 1d4 to all within 5'
Spirits of Salt (hydrochloric acid)35gp0.25Green VitriolUsed to clean and prepare precious metals and gemstones, a dose of this acid can grant a reroll to Appraisal checks on items that could benefit from such a treatment
Spirits of Niter (nitric acid)35gp0.25NiterGood from dissolving base metal, using a dose of this can grant a lockpicker a second attempt to pick a rusty lock or to disarm an ancient trap
Aqua Regius (mixture)50gp0.26Niter and Green VitriolStrong metal dissolver, also gold, silver
Maybe this acid attacks armor? I'm not sure how we use this.
poisons.1576324640.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/14 11:57 by dave