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You’re clever, powerful, and mysterious. You delve into the practice of religious ecstasies, together with any related ideologies, ethics, rites, myths, and legends to tap eldritch energy. Scholars are often at odds with Zealots for their divergent world views. You gain arcane spellcasting.

Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features
1+2Starting HP, scholar equipment; Basic proficiencies from chosen archetype; Gain arcane spellcasting
2+21/rest, reduce next damage by INT mod; quick, concentration; choose any 1 skill
3+2Gain one feature from your chosen archetype
4+2Add +2 to an ability score of your choice, or add +1 to two scores; Draw 3 cards from the special features deck, choose 1 to apply
5+3Gain one different feature from your chosen archetype; Gain magic item creation proficiency
6+3 Add +2 to an ability score of your choice, or add +1 to two scores
7+3Gain one different feature from your chosen archetype
8+3Add +2 to an ability score of your choice, or add +1 to two scores; Draw 3 cards from the special features deck, choose 1 to apply
9+4Gain one different feature from your chosen archetype; Pick one known spell up to spell level 3 to be a cantrip for you

Scholar Basics

  • Starting HP 4 + CON mod
  • HP each level up: 1d6 + CON mod
  • Armor allowed: None
  • Proficient weapons: Simple
  • Ability proficiency: CON, INT
  • Skills:
    • Arcana
    • Choose either Medicine or Religion
    • Choose one area of Lore (Animals, Astrology, Plants, Monsters, Artifacts, Geography, Law, Math, History, Spirits)

Scholar Archetypes


Words, singing and poetic speech are magical to the Celts. An order known as the druids in mythic Earth learned from the fey that certain forms of poetry or verse are used for accomplishing effects. A druidic spell would thus be accomplished by reciting verse or retelling a story.

You gain Herbalism, Stealth and Survival skills. You gain a Lore skill the area of your choice of Animals, Geography, Plants, Monsters, or Spirits. You are proficient with shields. You are proficient in creating rune tools.

Druids' magical tradition is largely one passed in a spoken tradition. Druids can speak a number of additional Celtic languages equal to their INT bonus. Choose from Breton, Gaelic, Irish, and Welsh.

Druids may choose to learn a number of unique spells available only to them known as verses.

Druidic Archetype Features (choose at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level)

  • Speak with the birds and mammals of the forest
  • Wildskin: 1/rest, active. Become a 1HP bird, rat, frog, or tiny creature
  • Ignore difficult terrain and any effect that slows or limits movement
  • Can't get lost and you always know how many hours until sunset
  • Immunity to poison and poison damage
  • Resistance to lightning and thunder damage and immune to weather effects
  • Gain Poisoner and Brewing skills
  • Gain the Lore and get advantage on Lore checks in the areas of Animals, Geography, Plants, Monsters, and Spirits
  • Proficiency with light armor
  • Proficiency with martial weapons
  • Proficiency to create potions
  • +4 permanent HP


Hermeticism is a mystical tradition based primarily upon writings of Hermes Trismegistus who instructs disciples with various teachings of the hidden wisdom of the ancients. Occultists search for hidden motes of mystical power and collect them into a tradition that is rich and varied.

You know the Persuasion skill. You may choose two more areas of Lore (Animals, Astrology, Plants, Monsters, Artifacts, Geography, Law, Math, History, Spirits). You may add your proficiency bonus to any attempt to identify a magical item or magical trap. You have the Create Scroll and Create Potion proficiency.

Occultists are scholars of antiquity. You know Latin, as well as a number of ancient languages equal to your INT bonus chosen from the list of ancient languages.

Hermetic Occultists may choose to learn a number of unique spells available only to them known as formulae.

Hermetic Archetype Features (choose at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level)

  • The spellcaster may reroll a magical mishap, but they must take next roll
  • When you roll damage for a spell you cast that deals lightning or acid damage you may reroll any die that comes up as a 1 but you must take the result of the reroll
  • Assuming they have a written formulae, Hermetic mages may create arcane scrolls for spells that they do not know by copying them
  • Double one spell's area or duration
  • Once per rest, spend 10 min and dispel any magic below your level
  • Gain any skill
  • Gain three more Lore skill areas (Animals, Astrology, Plants, Monsters, Artifacts, Geography, Law, Math, History, Spirits)
  • Roll any Lore skill checks with advantage
  • Learn how to cast one extra cantrip and one first level spell from the general arcane spell list
  • Learn how to cast one extra second level spell from the general arcane spell list
  • Roll with advantage to brew potions and scribe scrolls
  • Roll with advantage to use magical items


Kabbalism is a magic of the written word, specifically those written in the Torah. Kabbalists  automatically know Hebrew, as well as a number of ancient languages. They pull their power from these writings, and are often in search of new books to use for prophecy and power.

You are proficient with light armor and shields. You know Hebrew, as well as a number of ancient languages equal to your INT bonus chosen from the list of ancient languages. You have the Create Scroll proficiency.

Kabbalists may learn a number of unique spells available only to them known as charms.

Kabbalist Archetype Features (choose at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level)

  • Immunity to enchantment, possession, and charm effects
  • Learn a number of languages equal to your Intelligence score (not bonus)
  • Healing words: allies heal +1d8 HP per rest
  • You may create and control one extra golem
  • You may persuade and negotiate with Advantage with called Ibburim
  • You may call on up to three Ibbur a day to control up to three dead bodies
  • Learn how to cast one extra cantrip and one first level spell from the arcane spell list
  • Once per rest, spend 10 min and dispel any magic below your level
  • +4 permanent HP
  • Advantage when making any Lore skill check
  • If you anoint an injured ally, gets advantage on his roll for Injury.
  • Choose any skill


The runic soothsayers of the North are known for the magic of their writing.

Runic Soothsayers are proficient with light armor and shields. You gain the Intimidation and Survival skills. You are proficient in creating rune tools. Runecasters all know the Norse language.

Soothsayers may learn a number of unique spells available only to them known as runes.

Runic Archetype Features (choose at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level)

  • Proficiency with heavy armor
  • Proficiency with martial weapons
  • +4 permanent HP
  • Advantage to any rolls to prevent damage from traps, poison, and other cowardly ways to die
  • Once per rest, when reduced to 0 Hit Points drop to 1 hit point instead
  • Once per rest, spend 10 min and dispel any magic below your level
  • Immune to Fear, never check morale, advantage to Intimidation skill
  • +10' to movement speed on foot.
  • The Soothsayer may counter-attack in melee as a quick action up to twice a fight
  • As a quick action you may enter a berserker rage. While enraged, you gain a +2 bonus to attack throws and become immune to fear. However, the character has a -2 penalty to AC and cannot retreat from combat. Once it has begun, a berserker rage cannot be ended until combat ends.
  • All allies within 15' of you gain +1 AC
  • Add one additional melee attack per attack action


A sufi is an Islamic mystic whose ascetic practices involve wearing wool and putting themselves into powerful devotional contemplations that allow them to transcend the limits of regular human capabilities. They make a showing of their faith by routinely piercing and slashing their bodies with knives, needles, and swords.

You gain proficiency with martial weapons. You gain the Intimidation skill. You gain the Create Potion proficiency.

The Sufi may learn a number of unique spells available only to them, known as trances.

Sufi all know how to speak and read Arabic in order to interpret the mysteries of the Quaran.

Sufi Archetype Features (choose at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level)

  • Proficiency with light armor (but not shields)
  • Immune to Fear, never check morale, advantage to Intimidation skill
  • The dervish no longer has a need to eat or sleep
  • The dervish gains the ability to see in the dark as if in twilight
  • The dervish may counter-attack in melee as a quick action up to twice a fight
  • +4 permanent HP
  • Once per rest, spend 10 min and dispel any magic below your level
  • All allies within 15' of you gain +1 AC
  • Add one additional melee attack per attack action
  • Learn the Create Scroll proficiency
  • When you make a melee attack against a creature, you don’t provoke opportunity attacks from that creature for the rest of the turn, whether you hit or not
  • Cunning Swordsman: you may use your INT bonus in place of your STR/DEX bonus with martial weapons.


In Zoroastrianism, light represents wisdom while darkness represents ignorance. Ignorance and darkness are the absence of wisdom and light. Indeed, a contemplation of the fire reveals all the values and principles at the heart of Zoroastrianism sorcery. That symbolism extends itself to the magical forces a sorcerer can control. Zoroastrians are very adept at commanding radiance and fire, as well as channeling the fire within them as a charismatic leader of men.

You gain your proficiency bonus to saves challenging your willpower such as charm or fear effects. You may reroll any die that comes up a 1 on spells that do fire or radiant damage, but you must take the result of the reroll. You gain the Insight skill.

Zoroastrians all know how to read Avestan and Sanskrit in order to comprehend the verses of the Gathas.

Zoroastrians may learn a number of unique spells available only to them known as hymns.

Zoroastrian Archetype Features (choose at 3rd, 5th, 7th, and 9th level)

  • AC 12 + DEX mod
  • Quickcast: pick one known spell, cast it as a quick action instead of an active
  • Resistance to fire damage
  • +4 permanent HP
  • Gain Tactics skill with advantage
  • Commander: Use your movement action to allow any ally within 60' to make a free Active Action
  • Once per rest, spend 10 min and dispel any magic below your level
  • +4 Defense against all Evil or Spiritual Attacks, and +4 AC vs Undead and Demon Attacks
  • Gain the Create Scroll proficiency
  • Gain the Create Potion proficiency
  • You can automatically tell if someone lies to you, or is telling a half truth
  • Can withdraw 5' from combat safely as a quick action
scholar.1576685869.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/18 16:17 by andrew