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You’re sly, cunning, and precise. Stealth is your specialty, and you can bypass obstacles, patrols, and locks better than anyone.

Architecture (find secret doors)
Bushcraft (not get lost, navigation)
Climb (athletics)
Languages (even ones they don't know)
Sleight of Hand
Sneak Attack

Level Proficiency Bonus Class Features
1+2Starting HP, specialist equipment; Basic proficiencies from chosen archetype
2+2Try to stealth as a quick action instead of an active action; choose any 1 skill
3+2Gain one feature from your chosen archetype
4+2Add +2 to an ability score of your choice, or add +1 to two scores; Draw 3 cards from the special features deck, choose 1 to apply
5+3Use a quick action to halve one attack's damage against you
6+3 Add +2 to an ability score of your choice, or add +1 to two scores
7+3Gain one different feature from your chosen archetype
8+3Add +2 to an ability score of your choice, or add +1 to two scores; Draw 3 cards from the special features deck, choose 1 to apply
9+4Proficiency bonus is doubled for your archetype checks

Specialist Basics

  • Starting HP 4 + CON mod
  • HP each level up 1d6 + CON mod
  • Armor allowed Light, shields
  • Proficient weapons Simple, Martial
  • Ability proficiency DEX, INT
  • Proficient checks:
    • Stealth
    • Deception
    • Perception
    • Traps

Specialist Archtypes


Assassins trained to kill by ambush and treachery. They may be brawling thugs, violent thieves, murderers-for-hire, or simply rogues with a taste for chaos and violence.

You gain your proficiency bonus to Athletics, Lockpicking, and Disguise checks.

Assassin Archetype Features (choose 1 at 3rd and 7th level)

  • Craft custom poison Stealth
  • Critical hits on an attack unseen by the target on an 18-20
  • Gain advantage to stealth checks
  • Add +2D6 damage vs. an unaware target
  • The Assassin may use a quick action to hide following an attack


You gain your proficiency bonus to Perform, Persuasion, and your choice of 3 Lore Skills checks. A bard starts knowing a number of extra languages equal to their INT bonus.

Bard Archetype Features (choose 1 at 3rd and 7th level)

  • Immunity to enchantment, possession, and charm effects
  • Gain advantage to deception checks when lying and deceiving
  • Learn a number of languages equal to your Charisma score (not bonus)
  • Learn how to cast two cantrips from the arcane spell lists using CHA rather than INT
  • Healing song: allies heal +1d8 HP per rest


A venturer travels the world in caravans or on ships seeking trading opportunities wherever they can be found. A venturer is a clever dealer with folk of all countries and a hardy cross-country traveler.

You gain proficiency bonus to Appraisal, Gambling, Insight and Either Riding or Occupation (sailor)checks

Venturer Archetype Features (choose 1 at 3rd and 7th level)

  • Choose any 2 skills
  • Choose any 2 modern languages
  • Advantage to Deception
  • Never gets lost
  • Automatic accurate appraisal of all non-magic goods
  • Critical hit on 19-20 if attacking with advantage
  • Can withdraw 5' from combat safely as a quick action


You gain your proficiency bonus to Acrobatics, Appraisal, Lockpicking, Pickpocket, and Investigation.

Thief Archetype Features (choose 1 at 3rd and 7th level)

specialist.1575397075.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/12/03 18:17 by andrew