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Worm's Ferry

Only the most desperate cross the river to the South of Deadmanstown to search for artifacts and food. This rat-infested village of hovels to the North only survives because of treasure-hunters the desperate who hope to make it big by traveling to the ruins of Deadmanstown to find Atlantean artifacts to sell in the markets of Jorviksburg and Kingston.

The “cursed ferry” as it is called is pushed by one brave boy just after sunrise, and then back again an hour before the sun falls once again. The Earl's Men commanded by Angus McNasty, Reeve of Worm's Ferry on the West shore help collect the tolls and dole out justice if any shenanigans should transpire.

The population of the settlement itself is currently:

  • Cooper and his son Cooperson
  • Porkins and his two nephews
  • Handsome Steve, Esther the Godly and twenty-one Stevelings perform a variety of other odd jobs including providing a safe storehouse for provisions in their outbuilding
  • Worm the ancient ferryman, his second wife Mary (nee Non-Gorilla) and their eight youngish children - at least three of which bear an uncanny resemblance to Handsome Steve
    • Little Timmy was Worm's oldest by his first wife was killed in the fight against “Brother Riley” and his blasphemous monks in January of 1130
  • Five farm homes that tend the fields and livestock within a half mile radius are located in various directions a few hundred yards from the square of the settlement
  • A small mill with a greedy miller along the creek to the North

worms_ferry.1597086306.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/08/10 19:05 by andrew