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YEAR 1130 AD

This first year of the campaign, rule over the Hill Camp Hundred was re-established by His Honor Thane Angus McNasty,the villains of the Dill's Burg were beaten back, and the dual threats of cannibals and Crocktars were discovered.

January 1130

  • 1–Welshie, Father Siegfried, Taffy, Neil, Angus, Raoul, Duda, Johnny and Wulfric all swore homage to the Earl of Jorvik and entered his housecarls. Sean, being a templar, did not swear, but informally joined the court.
  • 2–Sean, Angus, Wulfric, and Johnny recover stolen cattle for the Earl from bandits near Red Lion. Angus loses his ear in the fighting and is laid up with his wounds.
  • 3–Sean sets off for Kingston to report to report to the Templar commandery
  • 8–Sean returns to Jorvik; Angus recovers from wounds suffered in bandit encounter.
  • 9–Welshie, Siegfried, Taffy, Neil, Angus, Raoul, Duda, Johnny, and Wulfric assault the bandits under Captain Rudolfo in Worm's Ferry. They capture the Manor house and kill all but 1 bandit who escapes.
  • 10–Father Siegfried rides to Jorvik
  • 10–Welshie, Neil, Angus, Raoul investigate the village of Worm's Ferry.
  • 12–Siegfried goes to confession to purge his moral failure. Confessed to Father Peter of Ghent.As penance he must spend a week scribing a scroll for the church
  • 13–Johnny Venice recovers from his wounds from the manor assault.
  • 14–Angus McNasty is confirmed as Reeve of Worm's Ferry and Angus Manor by the Earl
  • 15–Taffy and Sean recover from wounds.
  • 17–Angus, Neil, Welshie, and Raoul recover buried bandit treasure
  • 19–Siegfried finishes his penance.
  • 21–Wulfric and Duda recover from their multiple serious wounds from the manor assault.
  • 22–Duda takes nightly guard duty, watching for any incursions from Deadman's Town.
  • 23–Duda uses some of his cash to commission a rough wooden watchtower by the ferry.
  • 26–Welshie recovers from wolfbites (All characters up to date)
  • 27–Wulfric, Taffy, Kildare and Raoul arrive at Jorvikburg for shopping trip. Angus, Welshie and Tariq scout Deadman's Town.
  • 28–Raoul begins to scribe a scroll of Arcane Arrow.
  • 31–Wulfirc, Welshie, Tariq and Chester raid Deadman's Town

February 1130

  • 1–Angus, Tariq and Welshie rest to recover from raid
  • 2–Tariq, Sean and Johnny Venice captured by cultists near Red Lion
  • 3–Wulfric, Taffy, Kildare and Raoul return from Jorvikburg, Angus sends Wulfric, Taffy and Kildare to scout locations on a map of the surrounding country. Tariq, Sean and Johnny heal at Jorvikburg.
  • 4–Wulfric, Taffy and Kildare visit the small hamlet of Lesseton, exchange stories, food and information with Ricketts and the other villagers.
  • 5–Wulfric, Taffy and Kildare scout the frozen Longcrook Creek, but don't cross. travel south and attack a bandit outpost.
  • 5–WEATHER: Blizzard lasts two days from the night of the 5th to the morning of the 7th. It drops nearly three feet of snow on Jorvikshire.
  • 6–Wulfric, Taffy and Kildare are snowed in at the bandit post. Sean, Tariq, and Johnny snowed in at Jorvikburg.
  • 10–Wulfric, Taffy and Kildare return to Worm's Ferry after the blizzard; Sean, Tariq and Johnny destroy cultist lair near Red Lion.
  • 11–Messages arrive appointing both Father Kildare (by the bishop) and Father Siegfried (by the Earl) parish priest of Worm's Ferry. By “Verona Bean Count” Siegfried is confirmed by Angus.
  • 14–St. Valentine's Day 1130 on a Friday; Angus, Wulfric, Neil, Kildare and Welshie travel to gallows, capture a group of bandits who were expecting tribute delivery.
  • 21–After another storm has cleared, Angus, Wulfric, Welshie, Kildare and Neil go to Jorvikburg. Bishop Haroldson punishes Kildare for failing to achieve the post of parish priest.
  • 22–Angus, Welshie, Neil, Wulfric and Kildare put to rest the ghost of a witch outside Jorvikburg.
  • 23–Angus, Welshie, Neil, Wulfric and Kildare rush to Kingston to sell some of the witches books at the monthly auction. They are ambushed by cannibals, Neil's hand becomes wood due to magical mishap. They stay in Kngston, shopping until March 4.

March 1130

  • 4–Angus, Welshie, Neil, Wulfric and Kildare's shopping trip in Kingston is completed.
  • 20–Raoul's scroll is completed. (Upkeep Spent for all)
  • 21–Raoul begins his first book, a combination farmer's treatise on the benefits of irrigation and fertilization on root vegetables and torrid romance novel known as The Beet Knight. The story is loosely based on the life of Handsome Steve.
  • 21–Angus, Sean, Neil, Taffy, Tariq, Kildare and Chester raid Deadman's Town discover portal
  • 25–Angus and the same team raid Deadman's Town again, destroy Wraith.
  • 30–Two Barns and Meadhall Church completed at Worm's Ferry.

April 1130

  • 5–Welshie, Taffy, Tariq and Duda kidnap Archdeacon Festus, kill Sir Cheesewright
  • 6–Father Siegfried performs Easter mass before Earl's representative Sir Leofric
  • 12–Welshie, Taffy, Tariq and Duda ambushed by Cannibal Cultists and imps under Chubert the Hungry.
  • 15–Welshie, Taffy, Tariq and Duda safely home.
  • 16–Johnny, Tariq, Taffy, Welshie and Sean depart for Thorsburg, via Kingston (Upkeep Spent for all)
  • 17–The bandits attack the Jeffrey family, kidnapping June Jeffrey and leaving Matron Jeffrey alive to tell the tale
  • 20–Father Kildare begins a batch of holy water
  • 21– Reeve McNasty goes on a rampage with his men, destroying the bandits' “treehouse” and then liberating Sheperd's Hollow from Father Percival and his gang.
  • 21–Duda heals completely from the ambush by the cannibal cultists led by Chubert the Hungry
  • 22–Reeve McNasty and his men returns from Shepherd's Hollow.
  • 22–Raoul finishes his first book The Beet Knight.
  • 23–Reeve McNasty and several housecarls slay an abomination living in the monstrous cave in the hills northeast of Shepherd's Hollow.
  • 23–Raoul commissions the construction of two primitive huts just 30' North and East of the manor house in Worm's Ferry. Both should be complete once Raoul returns with hireling scribes.
  • 24–Reeve McNasty and his housecarls free Archdeacon Festus from an abandoned Atlantean mine held by the bandits. Reeve Angus commissions a Mead Hall for Shepherd's Hollow.
  • 25–Johnny, Tariq, Taffy, Welshie, Sean rescue boat full of monks on way to Thorsburg
  • 25–Night of the Full Moon
  • 27–Kildare's holy water complete
  • 28–Johnny, Tariq, Taffy, Welshie, Sean pull off big robbery in Thorsburg

May 1130

  • 1–Reeve Angus travels to Kingston to recruit settlers.
  • 1–Both of Raoul's primitive huts are finished, ready to hold recruited scribes.
  • 1–Raoul travels to Kingston along with Angus and the others to sell his book and recruit scribe expert henchmen over the next three weeks.
  • 3–Shepherd's Hollow chapel rebuilt. Wulfric arranges construction of a timber square tower.
  • 4–Wulfric heads to Kingston to recruit retainers.
  • 8–Johnny, Tariq, Taffy, Welshie and Sean split the take from the big robbery safely at home.
  • 10–Welshie fully recovers from Strength loss. Johnny Venice begins house and barn. Tariq begins trading post expansion Inn building. Taffy starts a dive bar building. Welshie starts a townhouse and a kennel building.
  • 11–Sean, Father Kildare, Taffy and Father Siegfried begin trip to Kingston for supplies.
  • 12–Shepherd's Hollow Mead Hall complete.
  • 20–Wulfric returns to Womn's Ferry with Young Penda, sends Osmund, Ethelric and Edward to Shepherd's Hollow
  • 21–Reeve Angus returns to the Manor.
  • 21–Raoul returns from Kingston with Reeve Angus along with his scribes:
    • Alfwine the Amazing (English 1/2 HD)
    • Alassandro the Amazing (Italian 1 HD adept)
    • Alice the Amazing (English 1/2 HD adept)
  • 22– Raoul and his scribes begin working on another scroll of Arcane Arrow
  • 25–Square Tower completed at Shepherd's Hollow. 3 Soldiers put on duty.
  • 25–Sean, Taffy, Father Kildare and Father Siegfried return from Kingston, Taffy and Siegfried having been slightly injured by a cannibal ambush on the road.
  • 25–Johnny's barn is complete, Johnny returns to Worm's Ferry with Alchemical Workshop supplies and his new assistant Prostitutta.

June 1130

  • 1–Upkeep for all; 55 prepared settlers arrive at Worm's Ferry and begin farm construction. Various other unprepared settlers begin to work as tenants and employees to various of the Reeve's men.
  • 2–Duda, Sean, Tariq, Welshie, and Taffy slay 7 Croktars and rescue 3 kidnapped Stevelings from an island in the King Godwin River.
  • 3–Wulfric pays the expenses for 15 unprepared settlers to set up three 1-Hide farms on the outskirts of Shepherd's hollow who begin to build their farms and hovels.
  • 4–Raoul and his scribes finish the scroll of Arcane Arrow (Raoul gives his scribes Sundays off)
  • 9–Sean, Taffy, Father Kildare, Father Siegfried, Skule, Raoul, Alassandro and Chester Porkins make an expedition to Deadman's Town, Sector 2. They return with many wondrous items, but Raoul and Skule suffer INT damage from the attacks of 2 wraiths.
  • 10–Raoul, addled after his visit to Deadman's Town comes to a realization about the secrets to a new spell that puts mortals to sleep. He immediately has his scribes start on creating a scroll for it.
  • 10–Father Kildare begins a stone church in Shepherd's Hollow
  • 10–Skule commissions a wooden townhouse and storage building near his new herb farm.
  • 10–Father Siegfried starts construction on a proper wooden church for Worm's Ferry
  • 11–Raoul commissions a wooden storage building just North of the scribes' huts for use as a laboratory.
  • 12–Angus leads a retainer recruiting drive to Kingston–recruiting Hamish and Carthac as Housecarls to help Reeve Angus (among other retainers).
  • 22–Angus and recruiting drive returns home.
  • 23–Johnny Venice begins making a series of alchemical products.
  • 24–Welshie and Johnny's Townhouses are complete. Taffy's dive bar is complete. Raoul's laboratory is complete. Taffy, Welshie and Johnny move out of the manor house.
  • 25–Raoul and his scribes complete the first scroll of sleep (Raoul gives his scribes Sundays off)
  • 26–Raoul and his scribes start a second scroll of sleep
  • 30–Raoul recovers lost INT damage.

July 1130

  • 3–Skule's townhouse and storage building complete, herb/brewery goes into operation.
  • 7–With the new moon, two wagons carrying 400gp worth of Atlantean bricks is due to arrive in Shepherd's Hollow. Johnny Venice finishes his alchemical work: black sand x1, oil of vitriol x1, spirits of niter x1, aqua regius x1, ether lens x1.
  • 8–Angus calls a Reeve's Moot to settle disputes in the Hundred. Chonk is lawfully spanked. Upkeep for all.
  • 9–Battle of Fence Hill; Angus, Osouf, Duda, Siegfried, and Tariq lead 20 militia against Cannibal Camp. Notebook of Borhault discovered in the camp.
  • 11–Raoul and his scribes complete the second scroll of sleep with six man-days to spare (Raoul gives his scribes Sundays off)
  • 12–Raoul gets his scribes started on a third scroll of sleep.
  • 13–Raoul begins to study THE COPPER BOOK OF NIMQMADDU
  • 14–Tariq, Duda, Johnny, Welshie and Lady Osouf have a dangerous pub crawl in Jorvikburg.
  • 16–The Earl convenes the Shire Moot to settle disputes in the entire Earldom. Siegfried is confirmed as Senior Priest of Hill Camp Hundred. Earl seizes all Atlantean Bricks delivered on the 7th.
  • 17– Duda commissions the building of a large cabin by the watchtower to house his future adventuring mercenary company, “Duda's Dudes.”
  • 21–Skule recovers lost INT damage; Duda's Jorvikburg mercenary recruits arrive.
  • 28–Father Siegfried's church in Worm's Ferry is complete. Johnny Venice's mead-hall lodge complete.
  • 29–Angus, Johnny, Welshie and Kildare fight Pit Spawn Oustside of Lesserton.
  • 30–The scribes complete the third scroll of sleep (again, giving Sundays off.) Raoul directs the scribes to prepare the laboratory for the brewing of a Poultice of Regeneration once his studies end.

August 1130

  • 1–Angus, Johnny, Welshie and Kildare destroy the Oracle-Witch of Longcrook.
  • 5–With the new moon, two wagons carrying 400gp worth of Atlantean bricks is due to arrive in Shepherd's Hollow.
  • 7–The large cabin Duda commissioned is complete, and the adventuring mercenary company Duda's Dudes opens for business.
  • 10–Tariq's Inn building complete.
  • 10–Welshie's kennel is complete.
  • 10–A group of the Reeve's men returns from recruiting trip in Kingston, including Duda who has added two more recruits.
  • 11–Duda begins to train his new recruits into the Dudes.
  • 11–Sean, Wulfric, and Father Calen go to Frogtown
  • 12–Raoul finishes his to study of the THE COPPER BOOK OF NIMQMADDU.
  • 12–Sean, Wulfric, Calen and Welshie raid the Atlantean crypt of Pelek.
  • 13–Earl Godric summons a Hundred-Moot for the town-Hundred of Jorvikburg. Duda, Johnny Venice, Lady Osouf, Welshie, and Tariq are summoned to face serious charges for deadly brawl in the Red Cod Inn. All are acquitted of murder charges, but all (except Johnny Venice) are convicted of fighting in a free man's house and pay a fine.
  • 13–Sean and Calen report to the bishop about Father Luther's heretical rejection of clerical celibacy and subsequent “guilty flight” from Frogtown.
  • 13–Raoul gets his scribes started on a fourth scroll of sleep, then immediately sets about creating Poultices of Regeneration by setting up his potion laboratory and putting out a 5gp bounty for dead rattlesnakes.
  • 16–Sean, Wulfric, Raoul, Siegfried and Skule travels to Dead man's Town and destroy a large expedition of Croktars led by the priest Sleestan. Wulfric is gravely injured by foul sorcery, losing an eye. Alassandro Fantastico is also slain.
  • 18–They same crew returns to Deadman's Town to explore what the Croktars had been doing. They accidently release the fiend Morko but kill his brother Carzag.
  • 20–Duda commissions work on the small tower and stockade to protect The Dudes' chapterhouse.
  • 21–Venice Bricks goes into operation.

September 1130

  • 1–Maintenance up to date, first round of business profits.
  • 1–The first tower of the wooden palisade of Duda's Dudes chapterhouse is completed.
  • 1–A group of the Reeve's men led by Sean and Wulfric investigate the White family farm and find that it is built on an Atlantean temple to a hideous abomination known only as the “dark mother” which they manage to destroy.
  • 2–Father Kildare invests in a Village Hall for Shepherd's Hollow to serve the community. The stone construction will be complete in seventy-five days.
  • 4–With the new moon, two wagons carrying 400gp worth of Atlantean bricks is due to arrive in Shepherd's Hollow.
  • 10–Kildare's Stone Church in Shepherd's Hollow complete
  • 11–Wulfric commissions manor house across river at Wulfric's Landing
  • 11–Cai commmisions house to be built in Worm's Ferry
  • 12–Many of the Reeve's men depart for a recruiting and shopping trip to Kingston.
  • 14–Party arrives in Kingston.
  • 15-22–Cai, Raoul, Sean, Welshie, Osouf, and Tariq separately attacked by various paid low-lives across Kingston.
  • 20–With Alassandro's death, it takes a little longer to finish Raoul's next scroll of Sleep (skipping Sundays.)
  • 21–Recruiting portion of Kingston Trip complete
  • 22–Alice and Alfwine start on the next scroll, again a Sleep scroll for Raoul.
  • 23–Sean, Cai, Raoul, Welshie, Osouf and Tariq raid the house of Shandor in Kingston.
  • 25–Sean, Cai, Raoul, Welshie, Osouf and Tariq kill the vampire Shandor in a hideout outside of Kingston.
  • 29–Raoul, Calen, Cai and Skule attend book auction. Some of the team rushes to Jorvikburg.
  • 30–rest of the team leaves Kingston for home

October 1130

  • 1–Earl Godric convenes the Shire Moot to decide who holds Frogtown. Maintnance paid.
  • 1–Angus, Welshie, Cai, Skule, and Tariq steal ledger from Castle Ulfwin. Skule loses INT points to Wraith.
  • 2–Moot grants Frogtown to Hill Camp Hundred, after Angus brings in stolen Ulfwin ledger.
  • 3–Raoul commissions two wooden cottages to act as new housing for Raoul's scribes. The old primitive huts will be used as storage. Cai's Townhouse is complete.
  • 4–With the new moon, two wagons carrying 400gp worth of Atlantean bricks is due to arrive in Shepherd's Hollow.
  • 4–Angus, Tariq, Welshie, Skule and Cai kill sorcerer Jacques at his lair in The Moin. Cai loses CON points because Welshie shot him in the back of the head.
  • 5– Sister Godgifu and Brother Baundri begin brewing Blessed Healing potion
  • 5–Johnny Venice completes 3 greek fire, 2 alchemical grenades and 3 devil grease after many weeks of work.
  • 6–Tariq and Welshie meet with the hermit Darby O’Gill by the Irish Treehouse to clear the area of monsters and secure a logging claim. They find a grove of rare ironwood and a hole filled with giant, swarming, venomous spiders led by a mysterious Irish Druid. They make a tentative attack, but then retreat once arachnid reinforcements arrives from the ironwood grove.
  • 7–Tariq, Welshie, Johnny, and Angus end the threat of the half-arachnid demonic druid.
  • 9–Johnny, Welshie, Sean, and Lady Osouf enter the Atlantean Mines of Madness and destroy all the undead following Dimensio
  • 9–Johnny Venice, Prostitutta and their brick guards head to Kingston to sell the Dimensio hoard and do some over the top home furnishing shopping.
  • 10–Cave Lizard eggs captured in Deadman's Town set to hatch.
  • 12–Alfwine and Alice, now joined by Dunstan and Marge finish another scroll of Sleep with Raoul's help (Skipping Sundays.)
  • 13–Duda's first batch of recruits are trained enough to advance to the next level assuming they meet all other requirements Duda's Dudes.
  • 16–The twin tower wooden palisade protecting the Duda's Dudes chapter house is completed.
  • 23–Johnny Venice and his bunch return to Worm's Ferry. Johnny begins building a storage building for his alchemy lab and Prostitutta's shoe collection.
  • 31–Tariq, Wulfric, Sean, and Welshie fight off trolls and spawn at Abbot's Town.

November 1130

  • 1–Tariq, Wulfric, Sean and Welshie return home.
  • 2–With the new moon, two wagons carrying 400gp worth of Atlantean bricks is due to arrive in Shepherd's Hollow.
  • 2–Blessed Healing potion should be completed.
  • 3–Sean, Angus, Duda, Osouf, Welshie, Tariq, Calen, and Wulfric go to Kingston.
  • 4–The alchemy/shoe storage at Johnny's is done.
  • 8–Sean,Duda, Osouf, and Calen are swept up in the Curse of Don Pedro, fighting supernatural creatures in a hell maze. Calen is killed and devoured by demon bugs.
  • 14–All return home
  • 16–Construction of the Shepherd's Hollow Village Hall that Father Kildare commissioned is completed.

December 1130

  • 2–With the new moon, two wagons carrying 400gp worth of Atlantean bricks is due to arrive in Shepherd's Hollow.
year1130.1621870436.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/05/24 15:33 by dave