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Name: Jasper Cole

Role: Charismatic Newspaperman

Background: Jasper Cole is a sharp-witted and charming newspaperman. Born and raised in the bustling East, he moved to Arizona in search of stories and a taste of the untamed West. With a keen eye for detail and a silver tongue, Jasper is adept at navigating both high society and rougher company. He's passionate about uncovering the truth and has a knack for getting people to open up to him.


  • Agility: d8
  • Smarts: d8
  • Spirit: d8
  • Strength: d6
  • Vigor: d8
  • Parry: 6
  • Pace: 6
  • Toughness: 6 / 10 / 14 / 18 / 24+
  • Charisma: 2
  • XP: 31
    • Advances:
      • Vigor d8
      • Charismatic
      • Connections
      • Quick Draw
      • Agility d8


  • Persuasion: d8 (Primary skill, representing his charismatic nature and ability to sway opinions)
  • Investigation: d6 (His experience in journalism and digging up stories)
  • Streetwise: d6 (Navigating the less savory parts of society)
  • Notice: d6 (Attention to detail, crucial for a newspaperman)
  • Lockpicking: d4 (To get into and out of tight places)
  • Knowledge (Journalism): d4 (Specialized knowledge in his field)
  • Riding: d4 (He's not the best horseman, but he's used to the saddle)
  • Fighting: d8 (He's not great, but okay with his fists)
  • Shooting: d8 (Basic self-defense in a rugged environment)
  • Taunt: d4 (He's got a sharp tongue)


  • Charismatic: Adds +2 to Persuasion rolls and Charisma-based rolls, enhancing his ability to charm and persuade others.
  • Connections: Jasper has built a network of informants in and around Hacksaw providing him with valuable rumors and favors. These folks include “Piles” McGuillacutty, Linda the Happy Hooker, Duke Joplin the pianist, and Steve Buschemi
  • Quick Draw: Allows him to draw a weapon quickly, useful in a pinch despite his focus on non-violent skills.


  • Curious (Major): Jasper's insatiable curiosity often leads him into dangerous situations as he can't resist uncovering a good story.
  • Code of Honor (Minor): He adheres to a strict journalistic code, refusing to publish falsehoods or betray confidences.
  • Quirk (Minor): Jasper has a tendency to pepper his speech with flowery language and dramatic flair, which can sometimes annoy more straightforward individuals.


  • Jasper owes Harvey $1


  • Notebook and Pen: Essential tools for a newspaperman, always on hand to jot down notes and observations.
  • Fancy Clothes: Good looking duds for a good looking man.
  • Press Credentials: Credentials that grant him access to various events and places, giving him an edge in gathering information.
  • Brass Knuckles: To get those really tough stories (d4 damage)
  • Firearms:
    • LeMat Carbine 20/40/80 2d8 ROF 1, 9lbs, 9 shots AP 1 (usually kept on his horse)
      • Shotgun Shell 12/24/48 1-3d6 1 shot
    • Derringer .41 5/10/20 2d6 ROF 1, 0.5lbs, 2 shots (hidden up his sleeve)
    • Colt Peacemaker 12/24/48 2d6+1 ROF 1, 2lbs, 6 shots (on his hip)
  • Poor Horse ($20)
    • Saddle, Bridle, Pad ($40)
    • 50' rope ($1)
    • Manacles and key ($5)
    • Bedroll
    • Tinder Box
    • Coffee cup and brewing equipment

Background and Roleplaying Notes: Jasper Cole is known for his mid-Atlantic eloquence and charm, able to blend into high society or mingle with the rough-and-tumble locals. He's driven by a passion for uncovering the truth and isn't afraid to take risks to get a good story. However, his curiosity and strict ethical code can sometimes put him at odds with powerful figures who prefer their secrets to stay hidden. Jasper's skills and connections make him a valuable ally in social and investigative situations, while his hindrances provide opportunities for character development and storytelling.

jasper_cole.txt · Last modified: 2024/09/23 00:32 by andrew