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There is one element of the game as written that I really want to change, and that is the practice of using gold to buy or create magic items. I think it makes for a better game if the gold economy and the magic item economy remain separate. Magic items are for use in the adventure, gold pieces are for buying ships, wine, forts, furs, houses, fast chariots, presents for pretty girls, throwing parties, bribing merchants etc.

I propose the following campaign guidelines:

  • You cannot buy magic items for gold (except perhaps potions)
  • You cannot use gold pieces as components for magic items
  • Instead, the gold piece value now equals the number of “residuum points” needed to create the magic items.
  • You can create magic items, but you must provide enough “residuum” to make the item.
  • “Residuum” can be found as a treasure item, and DM's are encouraged to give out some every session. But, it cannot be sold for gold pieces.
  • When you “disenchant” a magic item that you don't want, it will provide one half the residuum points required to make it, not 1/5 as the rules as written indicate.
  • You can hire someone to make a magic item for you, but you must provide the residuum, and pay his fees for service.

Comments? Questions?

  • (Andrew) Cool with me. I was hoping to run a low-magic item campaign in general, at least at first. I figure that by 3rd level, you all should start seeing a level-1 item or two each game night. That said, I have ideas for artifact-type items that would be the focus of an adventure or two. Does that offend anyone?
gold_and_magic_items.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/05 13:08 by