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Red Ludwig

Race: dwarf, Class: fighter Level: 5 Alignment: Unaligned

DEFENSES: AC 19 Fortitude 15 Reflex 19 Will 15

Initiative: +3 Move 5” Surges Per Day 14 Hit Points: 55 Bloodied: 27 Heal per Surge 13 hp

ABILITIES STR 16 (+3) DEX 12 (+1) CON 16 (+3) INT 10 (+0) WIS 15 (+2) CHA 11 (+0)

FEATS Durable, Dwarven Weapons, Dodge Giants

SKILLS Athletics, Endurance, Intimidate

CLASS FEATURES Combat Challenge, Combat Superiority, Fighter Weapon Talent (one handed)

PROFICIENCIES Armor: all except plate, Weapons: basic and military ranged and melee

EXPLOITS At-Will: Cleave, Tide of Iron Encounter: Spinning Sweep, Crushing Blow Daily: Brute Strike, Dizzying Blow, Boundless Endurance

GEAR: Magic Scale Armor+2, Large Shield, Lightining Battle Axe +1, Thunderburst throwing hammer +1, adventurer’s kit

ATTACKS Attack Hammer +1 Axe +1 Defense Notes

Basic Melee — +9/1d10+6 AC At will, standard

Basic Ranged +9/1d6+6 —- AC At will, standard

Cleave — +9/1d10+6 AC At will, standard

Tide of Iron — +9/1d10+6 AC At will, standard

Spinning Sweep — +9/1d10+6 AC Encounter, standard

Crushing Blow — +9/2d10+9 AC Encounter, standard

Brute Strike – +9/3d10+6 AC Daily, standard, reliable

Dizzying Blow – +9/3d10+6 AC Daily, Standard, reliable

Cleave: 1 adjacent target takes 3 points of damage if you hit main target

Tide of Iron: slide enemy 1 space and shift into its space (if it ain’t too big)

Spinning Sweep: enemy is knocked prone by attack

Dizzying Blow: enemy is immobilized until save


Dodge Giants: +1 AC and Reflex against size L or bigger creatures

Combat Challenge: can “mark” your target

Combat Superiority: +2 to hit on opportunity attacks, hit stops move

Boundless Endurance: minor action, daily, regenerate 5 hp/round when bloodied, until end of encounter or use another “stance power” or reach 0 hit points

Thunderburst Hammer: returns when thrown, +1d6 damage crit, Thunder 1/day; 1 square burst around target, +9 vs. Fortitude 1d6+6 damage

Lighting Axe: +1d6 on crit, damage can be regular or lighting, 1 lightning discharge per day for 1d6 on target and each enemy within 2 squares

red_ludwig.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/05 13:08 by