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Race: human, Class: Warlord (tactical) Level: 5 Alignment: Unaligned

DEFENSES: AC 19 Fortitude 19 Reflex 15 Will 15 Initiative: +2 Move 6” Surges Per Day 11 Hit Points: 46 Bloodied: 23 Heal per Surge 11 hp

ABILITIES STR 18 (+4) DEX 10 (+0) CON 14 (+2) INT 15 (+2) WIS 11 (+0) CHA 13 (+1)

FEATS Tactical Assault, Powerful Charge, Action Surge, Durable

SKILLS Languages Athletics, Heal, History, Diplomacy, Intimidate Common

CLASS FEATURES Combat Leader, Tactical Presence, Inspiring Word

PROFICIENCIES Armor: Cloth, leather, hide, chain, light shield Weapons: simple melee, simple ranged, military melee

EXPLOITS At-Will: Commander’s Strike, Viper’s Strike, Wolf Pack Tactics Encounter: Inspiring Word (x2), Warlord’s Favor, Aid the Injured, Steel Monsoon Daily: Pin the Foe, Villian’s Nightmare

GEAR: Blood-cut Hide Armor +1, Life Drinker Longsword +1, Horned Helmet, Light Shield, adventurer’s kit. 3 javelins


  1. Basic Melee +1 Sword +10/1d8+5 vs AC
  2. Basic Ranged Javelin +9/1d6+4 vs AC
  3. Viper Strike +10/1d8+5 vs AC At will, standard
  4. Wolf Pack +10/1d8+5 vs AC At will, standard
  5. Warlord Favor +10/2d8+5 vs AC Encounter, Standard
  6. Steel Monsoon +10/2d8+5 vs AC Encounter Standard
  7. Pin the Foe +10/3d8+5vs. AC Daily, standard
  8. Villain’s Nightmare +10/3d8+5 vs Reflex Daily, standard

Commander’s Strike: give up your attack, ally gets free attack with +2 damage

Viper Strike: if target shifts before end of next turn, ally gets opportunity attack

Wolf Pack Tactics: before you attack, ally adjacent to you or target, shift 1 as free act.

Warlord’s Favor: 1 ally within 5 gets +3 to hit against target until end of your next turn

Steel Monsoon: if you hit 2 allies within 5 can shift 1 square

Pin the Foe: until end of encounter, target can’t shift if 2 from your side adjacent

Villain’s Nightmare: until end of encounter, if enemy walks or runs, you can cancel it


  • Inspiring Word: minor action, close burst 5, you or ally can spend healing surge, and do normal heal plus 1d6. Useable 2 times per encounter.
  • Combat Leader: allies within 10 squares, +2 initiative
  • Tactical Presence/Assault: when ally you can see spends action point to make an extra attack, gains +2 damage
  • Powerful Charge: +2 damage on a charge, +2 on Bull Rush attempts
  • Action Surge: +3 to attack roll on any attack made by spending action point
  • Aid the Injured: (standard action, encounter, touch): target can spend healing surge
  • Horned Helmet: charge attacks get additional +1d6 damage
  • +1 Lifedrinker Sword: +1d6 critical, when drop enemy to 0hp, get 5 temp. hit points
  • Bloodcut Armor: you can spend healing surge to get resistance 10 to weapons 1 turn
rodrigo.txt · Last modified: 2019/08/05 13:08 by