A player wishing to create a new PC may do so using a combination of the Player's Handbook, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, and Tasha's Cauldron of Everything. Stats should be chosen using the point-buy system or the standard array. Feats are awesome, and you should please use them if you wish.
New characters may choose to either roll for starting cash or just take the average. Characters third level or greater may choose to take any non-magical item they wish that they can physically carry for free. Additionally, characters fifth level or greater will be offered a list of appropriate choices of magical items that they may choose to start with. Items won in previous campaigns set in the world of Kyor carry over to future ones.
Typically, characters may gain a single level between campaigns using “milestone leveling.”
Take a quick look at the Design Assumptions for the world of Kyor, particularly if your character is a half-orc or you want a character with a lifespan longer than that of a regular mortal human.
Please consider using the heritages, religions, and languages of Kyor in character development.