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This scenic former pirate shelter along the cliffs of the Serene Expanse Ocean has grown to one of the largest and prosperous ports outside that of the High Elven naval empire.

The lower areas of the city are perpetually covered in a thick, dry fog. As such, most who wander the streets do so at their own peril as cutthroats and pickpockets are brazen in the ramshackle lower districts.

The gentry of this naturally scenic but dirty and foggy city are the descendants of the very pirate lords who settled the town. As such, the Highport city guard is a ragtag bunch who is generally more interested in lining their own pockets than in actually keeping the peace. It is only when corruption actually sees the light of day that they are actually forced to step in and punish wrongdoing.

All those who carry weapons are required to have them peace-knotted at all times. Failure to do so results in the severest of consequences, ranging from nights in jail to being banned from the city altogether. Those individuals not capable of peace-knotting their weapons can contact the city guard for assistance.

There is also a stark line of gentrification in the city. There are the poor working class people who live, work, and die down by the docks, and then there are the Lords of Highport who live on the high points of the city looking down at the poor folk who do the dirty work. There are several districts that cater to these different classes of people.

Unlike Blackangel where other races have a limited role and representation or are expatriates from another realm, Highport has a significant elven and gnomish population. The forests to the north and east of Highport are populated by these peoples, and many of these fey have moved to join the humans in the city.

Highport Bay holds many swamps and uncharted islands, many of which date back to the Verdant Empire and beyond.

The city of Highport is analogous to San Francisco in our world. A city of hills at the end of a peninsula opening into a most generous bay.



The noble families of Highport include:

Some notable merchant class folk include:




Radavan is roughly the size of the continental United States in our world, so as a shorthand there is often a real-world American city analogue to the city-states of this continent. For example, Highport is analogous to the weather and geography of San Francisco, CA.