Table of Contents

Languages of Kyor

Characters may chose to learn any of the standard languages as they wish. However, learning a language from the exotic language table requires GM's permission.

Standard Languages

The standard languages are those that belong to the three heritages. Each heritage tongue has many different accents and dialects. The common tongue is specific to geography. For example, low born humans in the continent of Radavan speak with what sounds like an Eastern European accent. Dwarven languages are specific to the guild that the speaker belongs to. Good dwarven speakers can know the guild and rank of another dwarven speaker just from listening to them. Finally, the elvish language is broken up by caste. Unlike the dwarves, the speech of the green elves is nearly unintelligible to the ears of their Eladrin masters.

Exotic Languages

Player characters may only learn to speak these more exotic languages with the GM's approval

Unused Languages

The following standard PHB languages are not spoken in Kyor.