Table of Contents
The Dragonborn
The Dragonborn of the continent of Radavan descended from the Two-Headed Kingdom of the ancients. Historically they were ruled by two kings of equal power who ruled until they retired, died, or were forced out of office through trial by combat. Only soldiers were considered full citizens. The kingdom was ruled from the city of Hesparta.
Dragonborn are proud of their family lineage. They typically introduce themselves by their family name first, particularly noble dragonborn. Dragonborn found in Venetia typically have hyphenated first names such as Korz-Ro and Ein-Had.
Other Races
It is a wide belief that the Lizardfolk, Tortles, and the summoned evil Kobolds are off-shoots or distant relatives of the Dragonborn.
dragonborn.txt · Last modified: 2021/12/16 13:49 by andrew