This land mass is dominated by the rule of nine competing hag-queens who oppress their subjects through curses and black magic. These queens wield tremendous power, and have the ability to grant magical abilities to their warlock subjects who do their bidding. While much of the population is human, there are a number of unique races that originated from this twisted jungle-covered continent as a result of magical experimentation, hexes, and inbreeding.
Most states are named for their ruler, or triumverate of rulers, but hint at the sinister elements of the particular domain. Some of these ruling hags are:
Other notable hags serve the ruling queens in their covens. For example, Pemphredo the Matron of the Dusk works on her own as a mercenary, meddling in the fates of Kyor for profit at the risk of being crushed by the more established hag queens. For now, the Matron of Dusk has her uses and stays alive in her cursed fortress that floats on land.
Widow Qway is another notable hag who fled Mortu for Radavan during the invasion from the Masters.