Ser Pipkin Goodwood

Knight Errant of the Ancient Order of Winter’s Light

The concept for the character of Pipkin is “Buddy the Elf” if the North Pole was something out of “The Nightmare Before Christmas.”

Pipkin was born to the famous knight Ser Filverel Goodwood (“Fill-ver-eel”) and his human bride Oriziphine Kentmarr (“Or-ease-oh-feen Kent-mar”) of the mortal house Kentmarr. His parents’ marriage was a political one rather than one for love designed to bind the fortunes of House Kentmarr with those of the Winter Court of the Fey. Even after Pipkin’s birth, Filverel was cold and distant, focused more on his position within the Ancient Order of Winter’s Light and his relationship with the Queen of Air and Darkness.

As he grew to adulthood, Pipkin joined the Ancient Order of Winter’s Light just like his famous father. There, he made a name for himself as an inquisitor and torturer. It is well known that he can get a confession faster than anyone else in the order. Pipkin is proud of this fact and he carries a masterwork set of manacles and torturer’s tools to aid him.

As a mortal born in the Feywild, Pipkin was chosen by the Queen herself to protect and aid Ping in the task of saving Robur Vertas. In return for taking on the task, the Queen promised to help Pipkin’s mother. The Queen would extend Oriziphine’s life and provide some aid to her ailing mind, shattered after half a lifetime spent living in the Feywild. As part of the deal, Pip was given orders to join and protect a half-elf named Ping. It is interesting that the order included a secret direction to murder Ping himself in a particular circumstance. A powerful Geas spell held him to his word, and kept him betraying these orders or revealing the secret direction.

Pipkin has been promised in an arranged marriage set up by his father Filverel. The maiden in question is a concubine of his father’s so it is clear to everyone that it is a sham marriage set up to share power. While Pip is a romantic at heart, he is inclined to take the marriage as a favor to his sire.

Pipkin has a spooky mute squire from the Feywild named Pugsley who may or may not be a unique form of undead. He speaks Elvish, Sylvan, and Abyssal.

Pipkin invites “his friends” to call him “Pip.” It took him awhile, but he eventually allowed Ping and Sigmund as they gained his respect and trust.

Over the course of their adventures. Pipkin fell in love and ultimately became the partner of Nigel Ramsbottom. Since their nuptial celebration, Pipkin has retired from adventuring to serve the court full time.

Pipkin is played by Andrew