For years, the Most Solemn Order of the Sallow Shroud has tended the dead at the graveyard of Sanguine, providing thousands of generations of tieflings a peaceful eternal rest. Now, that rest has been disturbed by a necromancer seeking out a key to reactivate a long-forgotten artifact for their own gain.
The adventure begins with characters hearing about the reappearance of undead creatures in the crypts across the river from the city of Sanguine. The faithful of The Traveller who take care of the cemetery, are seeking adventurers who are willing to track down the undead, destroy them, and find out where they came from and why.
The extensive catacombs of the crypts have been used by the tieflings of Sanguine for more than a millennia. The player characters are provided a guide, but not even the crypts’ caretakers know the full extent of the catacombs. Much of the adventure involves exploring the catacombs, facing revived undead and other dangers, until characters discover the true root of the trouble.
Event Date: Thursday, 10/21
Event Time: 6:00PM - 9:00PM
This one-shot was played at the The Adventurer's Academy.
Here is a list the choices players made for their PCs:
Player | Character Name | Character Class | Character Race |
Brandon | Nero Leonhart | Wizard Bladesinger - 2 | Feytouched |
Dan | Verthisathurgiash Riukergroph (aka Ash) | Druid, Circle of Wildfire - 2 | Dragonborn |
Eric | Omar Usher | Grave Cleric - 2 | Human |
Keith | Rilith | Archfey Warlock - 2 | Tiefling |
Tim | Heinrich "Heinous" Doomhammer | Fighter - 2 | Mountainborn Dwarf |
Tyler | Thako Scarmonger | Barbarian - 2 | Green Elf |