Table of Contents

Winter's Splendor

This year’s Midwinter Carnival is held in Highport’s glamorous Sunset Fell district. The festivities include a bustling outdoor holiday market and special performances at the Cassalanter Villa, which the Cassalanter family have graciously opened to the public for the duration of the holiday. The pleasant atmosphere is tainted when the famed opera singer, Aria Cavatina is attacked by a tiny fiend that seemingly appears out of nowhere. The City Watch shuts down the event, holding guests in the villa for questioning until the culprit can be identified. With an estate full of the city’s most prominent citizens and a family with a secret so dark they'll do anything to protect it, mayhem and mystery await this Midwinter!

Game Log

This one-shot was played at the The Adventurer's Academy.

Character Choices

Here are the character choices for this special holiday one-shot!

PlayerCharacter NameCharacter ClassCharacter HeritageCharacter Station
BrandonVincent CinderbloodRogue (Investigator) - 3HumanTradesman
BrittneyAl'tria ElisnorePaladin - 3Gold ElfImperial Expatriate
CalebZom RedbendCleric - 3HumanClergy
JoshAloysius MacDucanshireSorcerer - 3HalflingLesser Nobility
LukeFennek RinggoldArtificer - 3HalflingTradesman
QuintonOrpheus the BardBard - 3AssimarServant/Employee