Al'tria Elsinore
Al'tria left the dream-soaked security of Albion to find her fortune with the other mortal races of Radavan. She saw the blatant xenophobia and classism of her people and turned against it. As a result, her position within powerful House Elsinore is tenuous at best. As she ages as a mortal away from the sacred island, her great-grandparents continue to rule in everlasting youth, confident that their rule and ancient ways are the “right” way.
Al'tria returned to Highport, a point of light in a city that was built by pirates who fought against the empire to survive. She was recently hired by the Cassalanter family as the captain of the guard. She has the feeling that the job is very much a ceremonial one meant to try to broker a deal with the elves, which angers her very much.