Archibald Cooney
Archibald Cooney was a former assassin who was given refuge and political asylum by the Followship of the Hound in exchange for serving them, agreed to for the sake of his infant daughter Robynn who is growing up far from home under the protection of the order.
Archibald got his start as a private in the Juntandria army where he quickly became an expert marksman who was often called on to make difficult shots in a pinch. He became disillusioned and left the service to become a mercenary for hire, first running with the Devil's Own and later working as a freelance “hired arrow” across the continent of Radavan. He was eventually hired on as an agent of William Ó Dónaill.
Reminded of his own daughter Robynn, and of himself to an extent, Archibald vouched for Bo. Half of the circle of inquisitors that lead the Followship were (and still are) doubtful of Bo’s abilities, citing that she was too old for training. Archibald challenged them on this notion, asking that she be given a chance. The chance was granted on the condition that it was he who trained her.