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Some mortals born on Kyor can shift their forms with a thought. They are unique in that they have these gifts despite being born of seemingly regular parents. Many changelings use their gift as a form of artistic and emotional expression. However, their skill also make them skilled grifters and spies with their ability to naturally deceive. This leads many people to treat known changelings with suspicion or threaten to co-opt their capabilities.

Changeling are born of a pairing that includes at least one changeling. One of a changeling's parents may be a regular mortal. Changeling genes are not necessarily dominant, either. A changeling may have a non-changeling full sibling.

Modern changelings seem to lean toward the worship of the God of Masks, the chaos god who first created them. This being is often revered in the Changeling community which includes Changelings and those other mortals who know and keep the changelings' secrets. This quiet worship is the only real cultural connection between disparate communities of changelings. In most areas a changeling family would be the only of its kind. For example, it is rumored that Blackangel has “a lot” of these beings, with that still only being about half a dozen small families all connected within a generation or two. Too many changelings in one area brings too much of a risk.

Although changelings' disguises are nearly foolproof because of their shapeshifting abilities, changelings are magically able to immediately identify another changeling as such just by interacting with them. The PHB for 5e has that as a note in the suggested names section! They put their clan name first “as a mark of honor”.

Changelings normally have a genderless one syllable name that then use as their true name.

changelings.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/08 14:42 by andrew