Days of the Week
The seven days of the week, and their real-life counterparts are named, in order:
- Sul (Sunday)
- Mol (Monday)
- Zul (Tuesday)
- Wir (Wednesday)
- Tor (Thursday)
- Far (Friday)
- Sar (Saturday)
Festival days fall outside of the days of the week, and each one has its own name which often is specific to the location of the celebration. For example, the first market day of the year following the mild winter in Sanguine on the continent of Radavan is named “The Savior's First Bath” referring to the rise of the city-state's semi-mythic hero Avanrakash and his time as a youngster suffering as others did under the thrall of the demigod Alkir.
days.txt · Last modified: 2021/08/18 18:08 by andrew