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Longhouse is the largest of the Frostlands city-states, a member of the Wolf-totem tribal group. The town is named for the immense timber hall of the High Chief, which has a roof covered by bronze tiles that are kept constantly polished to a brilliant sheen visible from a great distance. The current High Chief, Tormond Death-Hammer, uses a score of elf prisoners to polish his roof.

High Chief Tormond attracts to his service a large percentage of the ambitious youth of the Frostlands because of success as a raider and plunderer. While he rules his warbands with an iron fist, his actions at home are subject to approval or disapproval by the assembled folk of the town.

Two thirds of the town's inhabitants are humans, the rest are a mixture of halflings, gnomes and goliaths ( known locally as “Bigguns”).

longhouse.txt · Last modified: 2020/10/26 23:49 by dave