Table of Contents
The Mariner Campaign
The mariner campaign had a simple premise. A group of characters find themselves in possession of an ocean-faring sailing ship and they travel the world of Kyor in search of fortune and adventure. The campaign's short and episodic schedule allowed it to lean into a “western marches” style campaign set on the high seas.
Game Sessions
Game sessions ran Sunday mornings online using Roll20 from 2019-2020 along with a Google chat link.
Kyor Stories
Character Creation
The default rules for characters, feats, and spells should be from the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, and Xanathar's Guide. Any other rules or concepts may be considered, but it requires DM approval.
Players may create their character attributes using the point-buy system.
To create a hearty crew of heroic sailor types, characters may start the game at third level if they take at least one level of Fighter, Rogue, or Warlock. Players who don't want to play those classes, or don't want to multi-class may start at second level.
Characters may start with just about any basic equipment from the PHB they can carry with a cost not to exceed 50gp except for heavy armor which must be purchased or located during play of the game. Furthermore, the ship will have a collection of equipment available to all PCs to choose from.
For influences for this campaign, you shouldn't have to go far.
- Movies: Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars, Mad Max
- Television: Firefly, Star Trek, Farscape, Bonanza
- Books: Moorcock's Young Kingdoms, Leiber's Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser