Lady Pandora Gladwyne
Pandora came to the big city of Blackangel to make a name for herself as a mage away from her famous and powerful family. The Gladwyne (pronounced “glad-win”) dynasty is one of the more powerful houses within the entire Elven empire. Pandora's great grandparents still live in eternal youth commanding a barony of the Feywild. Her grandparents were conquerors, sailing the waves of Kyor and fighting astride mighty griffons to build a terrestrial empire.
Pandora is portrayed by Camille.
In her words:
I’m Lady Pandora Gladwyne, scion of house Gladwyne and sorceress supreme. My assignment is to restore friends and weaken foes with my repertoire of arcane energies, but my natural charm and grace makes me a great party representative in any negotiations.
When you meet me, my tasteful yet elegant clothing might make one mistakenly assume I am not interested in the needs of common folk. Once we connect you’ll immediately know that I truly care about my fellow mortal beings. I offer my teammates mutual trust and respect.
I’ve never struggled. I was born into royalty, a member of the highest caste of high elven society. I never attended school because I’ve been able to channel arcane energies from a young age. I’ve been told that my smile lights up a room. Compliments like that make me a little uncomfortable.
I’ve left home to prove myself worthy of these gifts by helping those less fortunate than me. I dream of a day when I can inspire others to make Kyor a better world to live in. I carry as my arcane focus the symbol of the moon, the source of my arcane energies.