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Smirkenburg Mines

The mines of Smirkenburg, just north of Mistburg are a potential area for exploration and adventure. It uses random rules to generate small pocket dungeons.

The Smirkenburg Mines (work in progress)

Character Creation

Please create your own third (3rd) level character, or arrive ten minutes early to choose a pre-generated character for this one-shot. Dice and a miniature to represent your character would be welcome but are not required.

Create your character using a combination of the Player's Handbook, Xanathar’s Guide to Everything, and Tasha’s Cauldron of Everything. Stats should use the point-buy system or the standard array. Characters may start with any non-magical equipment from the Player’s Handbook that they can physically carry on this expedition.

Third Foray

As the solstice approaches in Yule of 933, a third group of adventurers take a stab at exploring the Smirkenburg Mines to locate some lost artifacts.

Second Foray

As the month of Verdance 932 comes to a close, a second group of rag-tag adventurers make their way to the Smirkenburg Mines in search of fortune and glory.

First Foray

In the early days of Highsun 931, a group of adventurers left Mistburg to find wealth and collect the bounty on a sinister necromancer accused of foul deeds. They called themselves The Americants. Their patriotic number included:

  • Fuzz - Goblin Bard (Bethany)
  • Gremblo Plebbins- Human Wizard (Darius)
  • Kethriel Vonte - Human Paladin (Katie)
  • Liberty Belle - Human Paladin (Kayla)
  • Roger Stevens - Human Fighter (Ryan)
  • Sam the Americokra - Aarokokra Figher (James)
smirkenburg_mines.txt · Last modified: 2022/11/26 15:27 by andrew