Ratter Thief - 3
Because Scamps is tough for a ratter, he thinks of himself as a fighter rather than a thief. Maybe a second-line fighter with his spear, but a melee combatant nonetheless. He enjoys the finer things in life, and is quite the connoisseur of rich foods such as wines and cheeses. He is a proponent of social justice, and generally appreciates those who play fair and follow the rules of society. However, Scamps' ratter blood sometimes gets the better of him. He's not above bending or breaking the social order to get what he wants.
Scamps is a fast friend of Mongo Junior and Gorgo of Barbaria and always wants to adventure with them because they are so cool.
STR 10 CON 12 DEX 17 (+2 AC, +1 Missile) INT 13 WIS 15 (+1 Save) CHA 9
Base Saving Throw: 14
Special Advantage: +4 to any poison / disease save
Thieves get a +2 bonus on saves against Poison and all sorts of mechanical and magical
Thieves may use the Charge, Parry, Disarm and Fighting Withdraw combat maneuvers.
Backstab: If a thief attacks during a Surprise Round, or while Invisible, or against an enemy who is leaving combat by any means except Fighting Withdraw, or against a target who does not see him because he has sneaked up behind him (usually through Moving Silently from a previous hidden location) then he can make a Back-stab attack. The backstab is +4 on the to-hit roll, and the total damage that is scored is multiplied by the number on the Progression Table above. A backstab can be done with any melee weapon, and any missile weapon, but at short range only.
Skills: Searcher, Detect and Treat Poison, Climb Walls, Hear Noise, Hide in Shadows, Move Silently, Open Lock, Pick Pocket, Read Language, Read Scroll, Trap Work, Use Wand
+2 Attack Bonus, x2 Backstab, Skill Check Die D4
HP 11 AC 15 (Lamellar & DEX) Move 35'
XP 5500. GOLD 17
Items: Lamellar Armor with leather helmet, spear, thief's tools, healer's bag, short sword, bandoleer (3 daggers), skin (2 pints of beer), money pouch, food bag (7 days' iron rations).
Non Items: Two sets of clothing, belt, flint and steel, scabbards for any knives, daggers or swords, pair of boots, backpack, two large sacks.