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Woe Be Gone

Player - Bob

Ratter Thief - 3 XP: 5500

Stats ST-10 IQ-9 WS-11 DX-14 CO-13 CH-6


AC:13 Leather Attack Bonus:+2 Skill Check:d4

Weapons:Short Sword, Sling

Saving Throw:14 +2 vs poison and mechanical and magical traps +4 ratter poison resistance

Adventuring Skills:

Quick Draw - Skill check = free weapon draw

Split Fire - Skill check = Move, shoot, move

Thieves Skills: Climb Walls - Hear Noise - Hide in Shadows - Move Silently - Open Locks - Pick Pockets - Read Scroll - Trap Work - Use Wand

He has formally joined the THE RAT BASTARDS gang, specifically McGarnagle's cell.

woe_be_gone.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/08 13:11 by dave