Inspector Bronski
With a cigar stub clenched in his teeth, cheap bourbon on his breath, wearing a wrinkled suit and crumpled hat, Ike Bronksi is no fun to meet. He usually carries a heavy truncheon in one hand and two pistols under his coat. His joy in life is beating the crap out of people who cross the mayor. Even though he is technically a Police Inspector, you're not likely to find him at police headquarters, but rather wherever some punk is crossing the mayor.
Bronksi was kicked out of the army for stealing, busted out of the state highway patrol for bootlegging, and did a short stint in Blackgate for assault. He's the perfect stooge for the mayor, getting paid for playing face-hockey. He lives in a nice row house in Gotham Proper.
Bronski was killed in his home on May 28, 1934 by the vigilante known as Space Cop.