The Shit-Kickers
A bunch of rowdies from the Somerset County countryside, the Shit-kickers are a crew of the Free Men gang recruited for dirty jobs, extra muscle and diversions and distractions. Many of them are out of work farm hands, moonshiners driven out of business, and just plain jerks looking for an easy living.
They crew doesn't have its own established leader, but they tend to take orders from Judas Kane III in preference to anyone else. Although, they'll work for just about anyone if the money's right and there's no physical labor, thinking or follow-through necessary. They can be found at a bar in Blanchaven called Crusty Pete's, but also will travel down to Boggy Joe's in slaughter_swamp if they just have to get some 'shine.
shit-kickers.txt · Last modified: 2018/03/04 13:23 by