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The Keeper of Elysium

The Keeper of Elysium is the arbiter of what transpires in Elysium.

The Keeper oversees the operation of Elysium.

Duties of the Keeper position include but are not limited to:

  • Issue rules regarding those welcome within Elysium, particularly those related to weaponry or magic.
  • Defense of Elysium in case of attack.
  • Organization of Elysium security.
  • Permission or denial of Kindred request to use the Elysium for various events.
  • Subduing any who fight or frenzy within Elysium.
  • Decisions on consequences of breach of the Masquerade within Elysium when the Prince is unavailable.
keeper_of_elysium.txt · Last modified: 2019/02/12 19:16 by