Every Winter that passes, each character must roll for the effect of time on his family.

1—Courting: if the character wants to marry, and doesn't want to go to all the trouble of getting to know people, falling in love and the rest, he can just arrange a marriage. Roll a Persuasion check DC 15 to arrange a marriage. The roll 1d20 to determine wifely qualities of the best available candidate Add Lifestyle Modifier if Lifestyle is higher than minimum for social level Dowry is at least ½ in land, buildings or other useful property or tools. Husbands are responsible for the dowry, and if the wife is ever put aside or dies without children, it must be returned to the wife's family.

Adjusted D20 Roll———-RESULT

2—Child Birth: at each Winter Turn (starting the year after the wedding), roll one d20 per wife or mistress on the childbirth table, add the Lifestyle modifier to the roll.

For Humans, Half-orcs, Tieflings, Dragonborn

For Halfings and Half-elves

For Dwarves and Gnomes:

For Elves

Birth Crisis: both the Mother and Child must make a CON saving throw DC 8 or die.

3—Child Survival: at each Winter Turn roll 1d20 once per child. For Humans, Half-orcs, Tieflings, Dragonborn

For Halfings and Half-elves

For Dwarves and Gnomes:

For Elves

If a critical sickness occurs, roll a Save DC10, adding Lifestyle modifier to survive. natural 1 always results in death. Children need no longer make this save at age 15+

4—Horse Survival: each horse (and I suppose dog) of note to the players roll 1d20 during winter, if it rolls a 1 or 2, it dies, 3 or better it survives to another year.