Each member world has its own police force. They range from unarmed “peace and justice facilitators” to militarized shock troops. However, none have space vessels, and off world flight from local cops is handed over to the authority of the SPACE COPS.

Generic Local Cop NPC's

While local cops can appear in a wide variety of armor, with a wide variety of arms, here are a few examples:

Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D6, Strength D6, Vigor D6
Toughness 5(7), Parry 5, Shooting D6, Fighting D6, Streetwise d4, Notice d4, Investigation d4
Kevlar Vest and Helmet, Flechette Pistol, Stun Baton, Wrist Computer

Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D6, Strength D8, Vigor D8
Toughness 6(10), Parry 6 , Shooting D8, Fighting D8, Notice D6, Security D6
Flak Vest and Helmet, Flechette Rife or Sniper Rifle, Vibro Knife

3—Police Sergeant
Agility D8, Smarts D8, Spirit D8, Strength D8, Vigor D8
Toughness 6(8), Parry 6, Shooting D8, Fighting D8, Security D8, Investigation d6
Kevlar Vest and Helmet, Flechette Pistol, Stun Baton, Wrist