The Science Patrol is made up of a large number of undercover operatives of the Chamber of Science and Research who hunt down illegal technology and research projects (cloning, extra-governmental weapons research, mutation research etc.) and then hand them over to the Science Patrol Direct Action Teams, heavily armed paramilitary commandos with their own space ships to crush the outlaws. Dangerous scientists are confined in the Home for Deranged Scientists on RAMSTEIN
1—Science Patrol Crewman
Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D6, Strength D6, Vigor D6
Toughness 5(9), Parry 5, Shooting D6, Fighting D6, Either Piloting, Repair, Astrogation, or Ship Ops D6
Advanced Flight Suit, Laser Pistol, Shock Baton, Wrist Computer
2—Science Patrol Direct Action Trooper
Agility D6, Smarts D6, Spirit D6, Strength D8, Vigor D8
Toughness 6(18), Parry 6 , Shooting D8, Fighting D8, Notice D6, Security D6, Ship Ops D6
Powered Battle Armor, Bolt Cannon and Molecular Knife, Or Rocket Launcher, Laser Pistol and Chain Axe
3—Science Patrol Strike Captain
Agility D8, Smarts D8, Spirit D8, Strength D8, Vigor D8
Toughness 6 (18), Parry 6, Shooting D8, Fighting D8, Security D8, Pilot d8, Ship Ops d8, Investigation d6
Powered Battle Armor, Rail Gun, Vibro Sword
4—Science Patrol Undercover Operator—WC
Agility D8, Smarts D8, Spirit D8, Strength D8, Vigor D8
Toughness 6(10), Parry 6, Shooting D8, Fighting D8, Security D8, Stealth d8, Investigation d8, Streetwise d8
Advanced Flight Suit, Laser Pistol, Wrist Computer
Edges: Investigator, Alertness