Belial Stradivari
Started life as a half elf and a sage, complete nerd and a book worm. A brilliant young mind but always picked on and chosen last back in his college days when it came to anything physical. One night in his studies. He realized he has read every book in the colleges library. No one very paid attention to him. He was always in the library so no one ever really noticed he was there. He decided to take a chance in an attempt to find more books worthy of reading. When no one was looking he snuck into the forbidden section of the college library. In the very first book he pulled off the shelf he found an ancient scripture. He made the mistake of reading this arcane passage aloud. The room went completely black! It was as if the whole world had stopped for a moment, and a fiendish creature appeared. At first, there was fear, but after a few minutes of talking the mysterious demonic entity offered Belial a deal. In exchange for his service - and soul - this charming infernal being would grand him abilities that would make him famous and everyone would love him.
Belial agreed, and he was instantly changed both inside and out. His mind was on fire with the forbidden knowledge of his new patron, and his body surged with newfound power. The light returned, and he found myself back in the library.
Before he could even find his bearings, The Black attacked! Their raid caught the college unprepared, and most of the library was roaring with fire. Belial was caught in the middle of the flames, watching as if he was a spectator and not a potential victim of the attack. Everyone else screaming and fleeing. Seeing the flames he ran too, only to catch a glimpse of himself on a glass window. He had horns and a tail! And his body has completely changed into that of a Tiefling!
After the college was attacked, he stared traveling. One day he was in a tavern, and a band of musicians was playing. He found himself drawn to the lute. Its simple design and clever harmonics were elegant yet challenging. A voice in his head said PLAY. The next thing he knew he found himself on stage, with a most curious magical lute in his hands that could only have come from his new patron. Everyone loves him! As he strums and picks, the troubles of the mortal world fall away. His voice croons like that of an old friend or a lost lover touching the souls of listeners. Belial plays like a god, despite the fact that he’s never touched an instrument before. Still, the patrons of the tavern were going wild for him. His legend grew from that day. From then on, each and every town he went to people showered him with attention and praise like never before.
And thus he begins his travels hoping to make a name for himself and never be looked down upon again.
Belial is played by Will.