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THE MECHANISM: if you have one of the skills listed here, the key mechanism is to roll a single die, based on your level, and roll a 3 or better. In other words, Don’t get a 1 or 2.

Character Level Die Roll
1-4 1d6
5-8 1d8
9-12 1d10
13-16 1d12
17-20 1d20


Thief Skills: Thieves (including combination classes) begin play with all the thief skills listed below. Non-thieves (except Lackeys) cannot take skills from the thief list.

General Skills: Each character (including thieves) can choose 1 Skill from the General List at First Level and then another at 3rd, 5th, 7th and 9th. After 9th he gains no more skills. Humans (including Amazons but not Berserkers) gain one additional General Skill at first level.

Using the adventuring skill mechanisms listed here replace the skill percentages in the Blueholme Rulebook. Thieves and combination-classes that include thieves get all these skills as part of their class abilities.

CLIMB SMOOTH SURFACE: anyone can climb a tree or rough cliff-side with a STR check, but a thief can climb virtually any surface. Skill check is used when the surface is too smooth for non-thieves even to attempt.

HEAR NOISE: when listening at a door to hear monsters on the other side, or to detect enemies creeping up, most characters need to roll 6+ on 1d6, Halflings, Orcs, Half-Orcs and Dreenoi need a 5+, thieves are much better at this. making their standard skill roll.

HIDE IN SHADOWS: a thief can find a dark corner to hide, motionless until an enemy passes by or turns his back by rolling this skill, other characters have to rely on the surprise roll.

MOVE SILENTLY: a thief can sneak away or up behind someone who is looking the other way using this skill. Other characters must rely on the surprise roll. A character or group of characters (at least 60' away from allies without the skill) all of whom make their skill rolls will get a round of surprise on enemies. In a combat, characters who begin as hidden or otherwise unseen and who make a skill check can sneak up behind an enemy not looking in their direction, to get back-stab attempt.

OPEN LOCK: using a set of lock picks or thieves’ tools, a thief can open up a locked door or chest with this skill. Each attempt takes 1 turn, but does not increase the chance of wandering monsters like smashing the chest in. Other characters can try acid, which makes things worse if you fail, or smashing which is noisy and destructive, see breaking things for details.

PICK POCKET: a thief can make a skill check to lift a coin purse or other item off of a target. Other characters have no chance at this.

READ LANGUAGE: a thief can make 1 attempt per document or inscription in a language he doesn’t know to attempt to decipher it. Other characters must hire interpreters or use magic.

READ SCROLL: a thief can make 1 attempt to cast a spell off of any spell scroll, if he fails his skill check, the scroll is ruined and the spell does not go off. See Scrolls for further information.

REMOVE TRAP: a thief can use this skill to find mechanical traps on chests and doors with one roll and remove them safely with a second roll. Unskilled characters call find a trap on a d100 roll against INT. Only trained theives can remove such traps Other characters must work out detailed precaution with the Judge.

USE WAND: a thief can activate any wand by using this skill, provided he knows the command word. Failure of the skill check means the wand did not activate and no charge is used. Only the correct sort of spell caster can normally use any particular wand. This skill does not allow the use of a Focus, even if in wand shape.

These Skills are available to all characters to choose from:

ALCHEMY: a skill roll allows the identification of any Alchemical Product found in the dungeon. It also allows the character to identify a potion without tasting it. Making products and potions is more the province of an NPC alchemist hireling.

BIBLIOPHILE: a skill roll allows the detection of book worms in “wormy” books. A skill roll allows the character to appraise the fair resale value of non-magic books found on adventure. Unskilled mages and clerics can attempt these tasks, but it is a 1d100 INT check. The herb vermifuge is the only treatment for book worms.

BUSTER: uses the skill roll to break open a chest, door or other container in a single attempt (see Breaking Things rules), it’s quicker and more likely to succeed having this skill, but just as likely to attract wandering monsters for the one attempt. Ogres get this skill for free.

DETECT POISON: a skill roll to detect the presence and type of poison on a trap, blade, dish of food etc. It will even detect whether a potion is indeed poison. The skill also allows limited poison treatment, if a poisoned person is treated by a skill roll while the poison is still active or within 3 rounds of infliction, allow a second saving throw. Unskilled characters can attempt to Detect Poison with a WIS check on 1d100, but cannot attempt the treatment.

FIRST AID: roll skill check to patch up wounded after a battle, heals 1d4. 1 attempt per person per battle and it must be attempted within 1 hour of the damage being taken. It takes 1 turn to attempt, so at most 6 healing attempts can be made by any character after any battle. Unskilled characters can make an attempt by rolling WIS on less on a d100.

HERBALISM: roll skill check to identify herbs or herbal products found on adventure or to find 1d6 doses of a random herb after a day searching.

HIDE IN THE FOREST: similar to Hide in Shadows, but limited only to forests, jungles or heavy brush.

MIGHTY BREATH: use skill roll to avoid poison gas attacks and to hold one’s breath for longer than normal if submerged in water (generally 2 extra escape attempts over normal).

MONSTER HUNTER: a character, after searching 1d4+1 days in a terrain where a particular monster is wont to live, can find a monster lair of that type on a successful skill roll. Other characters just have to stumble around waiting for a random encounter roll.

MOVE SILENTLY: same as the thief skill, allows silent movement when not wearing chain or plate armor. Bugbears get this skill for free.

QUICK DRAW: skill roll to change weapons (for example, put away bow, get out sword and shield) without using your attack or move.

RALLY THE TROOPS: skill roll to restore morale (without a new morale roll) of any soldiery under your authority within 60’ and to make them immune to morale checks for the next 1d4 rounds.

RECRUITMENT: use a skill roll to replace a general search for henchmen or hirelings with a specific one. It still takes a week, but costs no money and results with the recruiter finding a candidate with exactly specified class, species and special skill. A skill roll can also be used in a dungeon to get a band of humans, demi-humans or humanoids who have agreed to negotiate to join forces with the party (terms and conditions apply—if it is a band of 1-HD orcs, bandits, dwarves, for example, they’ll want about 10gp each). You need to be able to communicate in a common language for this to work.

REPAIRMAN: if you have proper tools, or close substitutes as the Judge permits, make a skill roll to repair any broken piece of equipment or non-magical device.

SEARCHER: roll skill to detect monsters, vermin or treasure in piles of dungeon garbage while avoiding bites or other nasty surprises. It also allows examination of sacks before opening to avoid nasty side effects. Orcs and Half-Orcs get this skill for free.

SECRET DOOR EXPERT: uses the skill roll in place of standard check to find secret doors or hidden compartments, (standard is a 5+ on 1d6 for careful searching). Elves and Half Elves have this skill for free, plus they will notice a secret door without even trying on a 5+ on 1d6.

STONEWORK: roll skill to detect pit traps, any other traps built into the masonry, sliding passages, slopes and notable stone work. Dwarves and Gnomes have this for free. Unskilled characters can try to detect such things on an WIS check on 1d100.

TRACKING: make a skill roll to track the route taken by others in wilderness or dungeon.

adventuring_skills.txt · Last modified: 2021/04/21 12:50 by dave