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This is an abandoned castle, north of Fortress Badabaskor, south of Passburg, at the foot of the Ostkrags, at the edge of the Badab Desert.

A Naga sorcerer named Nyo Boto appeared at Passburg in 2019 with a document claiming ownership of the castle. Lord Wulfric said it looked in order, but if the serpent-man took possession, it would be best to notify the Duchess, not him. This was the last seen of the Naga.

Lothar of the Hill People is reported to have said that the naga claimed the castle. The keep's stone walls were in good shape, but the floors and ceilings were a mess. The outbuildings were all ruined. A party of were-wolf hobos camping there killed a troll companion of Lothar's, and the basement of the castle were never really examined. Nyo, who had planned to move his clan to the castle, however, was killed at the THE PIT OF THE OBELISK.

STATUS: ideal for randomized dungeon.

castle_of_six_lizards.txt · Last modified: 2021/02/14 18:05 by dave