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Class/Level: Cleric – 1
Species: Centaur
Alignment: Chaotic Good – Nodens Initiate
Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha
10 10 12 10 16 9

+1 saving throws, +10% xp

Languages: Common, Forest
Skills: First Aid
Special Feature: Pixie Protector – A powerful pixie magic-user chief in the nearby forest is your friend and will do you favors if you do not make a pig of yourself. If you are a jerk, he’ll make a pig of you.
Background: Acolyte

AC: 7 (To get to AC 5, must buy chain and barding)
HP: 6
Move: 35'

May make 2 attacks, Kick (1d6) plus 1 weapon
Warhammer: SR-4, 1d6 damage, 1-handed
Sling: range 60/120/180, 1d4 damage

Gear: warhammer, shield, sling, pouch of sling stones (29), wolfsbane, chaulmoogra oil, money pouch, backpack, food bag 5 rations, wineskin w/ 2 pints

Good Clerics have turn away undead and take from the light side spells

XP: 138/1500
Gold: 88

chiron_glenstorm.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/08 13:16 by dave