Simper Fido
Dogger, Cleric- 3, lawful (lord bounty)
STR-10, INT-6, WIS-17, DEX-10, CON-18, CHA-9
Bonus: +1 level 1 spell, +1 save, +2 hp/die
Skills/Abilities: Bolt and Cast, Track by Scent
Languages: Common, Dogger
Attack: +1, Save 12
Size M, Base Move 30’, Vision: Normal
AC 18
Move 25
Hp 16
Mace: +1, M, 1d6, AP
XP: 9,500
Gold: 560
Gear: mace, plate mail, shield, tool kit, backpack and clothes, holy symbol (silver), chewtoy
Spells: level-1: 2 per day, level-2: 1 per day, plus 1 Lawful, plus 1 blessing
- Heal Wounded x3 (Blessing)
- Protection from Chaos (Law)
- Find Traps
Died in a fireball barrage from Snake-men in November 2023.
fido.txt · Last modified: 2023/06/05 14:40 by andrew