If you chose a species from the humanoid list, be prepared to be considered hostile enemies in many communities and having to explain yourself, since these creatures are known to eat people, serve evil demons and dark lords and to have atrocious etiquette skills and poor fashion sense. On the other hand they work cheap, so penny-pinching sorcerers love to use them as guards.
Bugbear: Move 40; AC 9; Class: C,F,T; Ability: Str+1, Con +1, Dex +1; darkvision; Special: Move Silently Skill, normal weapons do 2d4 damage at 3rd level or above. -20% experience point modifier.
Dreenoi (bugmen): Move 30; AC 9; Class: F,T; darkvision; Special: may make weapon attack or 1d4 bite, communicate telepathically.
Gnolls: Move 30; AC 9; Class: C,F,T; Ability: Str+1, Int-1; darkvision; Special: none
Goblin: Move 25; AC 9; Class: F,T; darkvision; Special: small size (hit dice lowered). Darkvision. At first and second level suffer -1 to rolls when in daylight. May not use heavy weapons, No longbow or composite bow,Must use normal weapons in 2 hands.
Half Orc: Move 30; AC 9; Class: C,F,T; darkvision; Special: Searcher Skill
Hobgoblin: Move 30; AC 9; Class: C,F,T; darkvision; Special: at 5th level, hobgoblin fighters do 1d10 damage with heavy weapons.
Kobold: Move 25; AC 9; Class: C,F,T; darkvision; Special: Smaller size (hit die lower), May not use heavy weapons, no longbow or composite bow, must use normal weapons in 2 hands. +3 save vs. magic. -1 to rolls in daylight.
Lizardman: Move 30, Swim 30; AC 5; Class: F, T; darkvision; Special: at 2nd level, lizardmen do 1d8 with normal weapons.
Ogre: Move 30; AC 6; Class: F; Strength +1; darkvision; Special: at 2nd level normal weapons do 1d8, at 4th level normal weapons do 1d10, Buster Skill.
Orc: Move 30; AC 9; Class: F,T; darkvision; Special: -1 to rolls under daylight, Searcher Skill
Sagath (Ape-man): Move 30; AC 8; Class: F; Ability: Str+1; darkvision; Special: at 2nd level 1d6 damage weapons are increased to 1d8.