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Knock Down and Pin

KNOCK DOWN AND PIN: a combatant using a heavy weapon or a shield can give up his regular attack in order to make a knock-down instead. The target must be roughly the same size or smaller than the attacker. The attacker rolls a normal attack roll, needing to hit AC 6, and then makes an opposed STR roll with the target. If the attacker wins, no damage is scored but the target is knocked prone and must make a Constitution check or be stunned and lose the next move phase. He must spend an entire movement phase getting back up and cannot make free attacks against those who move away from him that phase. If a target is prone an adjacent enemy who has not yet attacked can attempt to pin him with an opposed strength check. Once pinned, he can attempt to escape on each subsequent attack phase, suffering a cumulative -3 to his strength score each round until he reaches 0 strength and gives up.

knock_down_and_pin.txt · Last modified: 2018/11/27 16:39 by dave