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Class/Level: Fighter-2

Species: Amazon

Alignment: Chaotic Good

STR-13, INT-9, Wis-7, Dex-10, Con-12, Cha-10

Languages: Common

Skills: Quick Draw, Monster Hunter

AC-6 (leather and shield)
Hp: 16
Move: 30'

Sword: SR4, 1d6 damage
Dagger: SR-1, 1d4 damage, 1-handed, throw 10/20/30
Short Bow: range 50/100/150, 1d6 damage, 2 shots possible if no move

Gear: leather armor, shield, sword, shortbow, quiver of 20 arrows including 2 silver arrows, dagger, money pouch, back pack, food bag 5 rations, wineskin 2 pints,

Gold: 1

sondra_tallwic.1613694058.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/02/19 00:20 by dave